Posted on July 11th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a tiny man relaxing in a pool when all of sudden two giantesses show up. The tiny man tries to stop them but as he is too small the giantesses couldn’t hear him. Just then the girls begin to get ready to take a dip in the pool with one of the giantesses decided to help the other get changed before both of them jump in to the pool. The force of the giantesses sent the tiny man sinking to the bottom of the pool while his friends are sent flying out into the sky. One of the giantesses are unsettled as she thinks that someone is there watching them but the other girl reassures her that everything is fine. When the two giantesses begin to splash each other they are unaware that they are tossing the tiny man and his friends around. The giantess continue to splash each other and when everything settles down the tiny man is left floating in the water and one of the giantesses ends up sitting on one of his friends.
You can watch this video here Giantess Anime
Posted on July 10th, 2013
Not all giantesses are bad some giantess only want a bit of help with things that she is too big to do by herself. This giantess had just done a workout and she wanted to relax with some yoga but doing yoga on her own was a bit boring and un-relaxing so before she did her yoga session she thought she would find a tiny man she could spend time with and would help her relax as she found yoga more relaxing if she was doing it with a tiny man. The giantess didn’t have to wait long before a tiny man can wandering by and before the tiny man could react the giantess took the opportunity to catch the tiny man and use him to help her with her get more relaxed. With the tiny man in her hands she could finally begin her relaxation and with the tiny man with her she is going to be for relaxed then ever before.

Posted on July 9th, 2013
When a giantess with an intent to destroy finds a city that she really doesn’t like she will waste no time in destroying it. The tiny people know that they are powerless to stop her but every so often they will try and stop her using things planes, tanks or even hand held guns but every time the giantess will just shrug it off and carry on destroying the city. The tiny people in this city were getting tired of these constant giantess attack so the next time a giantess came to attack their city they would try to defend their city using all the weapons they had. They didn’t have to wait long as just as they were ready a giantess had arrived in the city but this time the tiny people were ready for her as they prepared to battle the giantess. The tiny people didn’t stand much of a chance as by the time she reached the inner city she had already destroyed most of their defences and was now busy having fun destroying anything she could find.

Posted on July 8th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a group of people having a conversation when all of a sudden a giantess over hears them. At first the tiny people can’t see her but when they look up they see the giantess leaning on the roof of the building they are standing by. One tiny woman flies up to the giantess landing on her shoulder. This causes the giantess to sneeze causing the rest of the tiny people to fly away on a gust of wind cause by the sneeze. As the giantess makes her way towards the school the tiny people inside the school run out and try vey hard to stop her but it proves useless as she is simpily too big. When this giantess does make it to the school she starts to climb up the building sits on the roof. The tiny people try to think of a way to get her down until one tiny man decides to send her something to follow and hopefully it could lead her away from the school. When the tiny man sends a distraction the giantess sees it and then climbs down to try and catch it but she misses. Determined to catch it the giantess follows the distraction which leads her from the school and away from the city.
You can watch this video here Mahou sensei Negima Gts. scene
Posted on July 7th, 2013
On a hot day there is nothing a giantess likes better then to take a nice dip in the sea. Some giantesses will go into the sea just to relax and cool off but other giantesses will go into the sea expecting to come across a ship big enough to entertain her. This giantess wasn’t expecting to find anything when she went to cool off in the sea but just as she entered the sea something caught her eye. She wasn’t sure what is was so as it was so far away so she decided to wait until it got closer before she decided to take any interest in it. She didn’t have to wait long until the object came close to her and when it did she saw that is was a ship. The giantess was pleasantly surprised when she saw the size of she ship as she would need to use both her hands to lift it out of the water. After seeing the ship the giantess began to think about all the exciting this she could do with it once she got it out of the water.

Posted on July 6th, 2013
Just because a giantess can’t walk the streets of a town of city doesn’t mean she can’t have fun as a giantess will always find a way to have fun even if it means she had to destroy the city to do so. When this giantess arrived on land the first thing she saw was a tiny little town. At first the giantess doubted that she could have any fun since she couldn’t walk the streets or see the tiny people that lived and worked there. Just as she was about to leave town she noticed the tiny houses which made her think if she couldn’t play with the tiny people themselves then maybe she’d have more fun with the tiny houses that made up the town. The giantess got in for a closer look and on closer inspection she saw that the tiny buildings had tiny people living inside of them. When the giantess saw the that there was people living inside she knew that she would definitely enjoy playing with the tiny houses and the people living inside them.

Posted on July 5th, 2013
Becoming a giantess can be stressful and most giantess vent their frustration on the city or the tiny people who live in the city and some will even cry as they won’t be able to do all the things she could do when she was a normal sized girl. When this giantess started to grow she started to panic as she didn’t know how big she will get or if she would ever be cured again. When she finally stopped growing everyone around her automatically assumed she was going to destroy the whole city but just then she started to cry. The tiny people wanted to comfort her but because of her size they didn’t know where to start. One tiny woman had the idea of climbing up the giantess and try to talk to the giantess and get to the bottom of what was was the matter with her.

Posted on July 4th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a giantess training on a mountain. After a few hours of training she finds a tiny man and take him with her. When the tiny man wakes up he finds himself strapped to a wooden board facing the foot of the giantess. The giantess begins taunts the tiny man by waving her foot in front of his face making him think that she is going to kick him. The giantess then becomes tired of taunting the tiny man and begins kicking and punching him in his head and upper body. After a few punched she manages to break the tiny man free and to stop him from getting away she steps on his lower body and begins dragging him across the floor under her feet. Once the giantess has had her fun she lifts her foot and peels the man off the soles of her feet. Once the giantess is done playing with him she crushes him using her hand and to properly finish him off she crushes him under her foot.
You can watch this video here Giantess Kung Fu Girl.
Posted on July 3rd, 2013
When looking out of the window a person expects to see the streets bellow but to the surprise of these three men a giantess had come to town and was standing in front of their window. When they looked again the men noticed that the giantess had captured another man and was holding him between her fingers. The tiny man pleaded and begged the three men in the window to help him but all they could to was watch and hope the giantess didn’t see them. Luckily for them the giantess was more interested in the tiny man she was holding as she was thinking of all the fun things she could do with her new toy. The tiny man however was hoping that she would let him go as he knew that the men in the window wouldn’t help him but secretly he knew that that wasn’t going to happen and te giantess would either crush him or keep him.

Posted on July 2nd, 2013
Sometimes a giantess will help out a tiny man with various things from getting around to lifting but the way a giantess helps can be a but extreme at times and can put the tiny man in real danger. When this giantess offered to help her little man train he didn’t count on the way she would help. First off she wanted to test his strength but the method in which she chose to do that really shocked and scared the tiny man. The tiny man was excepting to lift weights but little did he know what the giantess really had planned for him. The giantess then suddenly lifted the tiny man and to his horror she put him in her mouth. The tiny an thought she was going to eat him but then she told him if he could keep her mouth open got one minute then he could choose which exercise to do next but if her mouth closed before the time was up then she would get to choose what to do next so with all his might he began his exercise and tried to keep her mouth open.

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!