Posted on June 11th, 2013
A tiny man will do what ever it take just to be near a giantess even if it means being crushed in the process. Most tiny men will try to climb her leg but only a few will actually make it to the top. When a giantess came to town all the tiny people had fled but one tiny man had stayed behind. The tiny man wanted to be near the giantess. He thought about climbing the giantess but them he remembered that many people had done that before him and almost all of them had failed. The tiny man wasn’t about ti give up as he had the great idea of hiring a helicopter and flying to the giantess. When the tiny man got to the giantess he was amazed to find how beautiful she was but to his disappointment he found out the giantess wasn’t looking at him so the tiny man did everything he could to try and grab the giantess’s attention.

Posted on June 10th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a man waking up to find two amazon women standing next to him. One of the amazons pin him down under her foot. After a while she starts stamping on him while the other amazon pins his head down so he can’t get away. The two amazons continue to play with the tiny man until he passes out. When the tiny man wakes up he finds that the two amazons that played with him before had carried him to a shoe belonging to a giantess. The two amazons place the tiny man into the giantess’s shoe. When he is put in place the giantess puts her foot into her shoe with the heel of her foot crushing the tiny man.
You can watch this video here Giantess Amerzones Play Time
Posted on June 9th, 2013
Life for a giantess can be really lonely as there aren’t any other people her size around and when ever she tries to make friends with a tiny person they will just run away from her screaming. When this giantess reached land she was excepting to find someone to hang out with but when she actually got to land she found that there was nobody for miles. The giantess was disappointed but soon after a group of tiny people came walking by. Determined the giantess did everything to stop them getting away. The giantess ended up using her hand to block their path. All the tiny people could do now was stand and watch in fear but one brave person approached the giantess thinking she would crush him but to his surprise the giantess was actually nice and she explained to the tiny man that she only want a friend. Seeing that the giantess was being sincere the tiny man decided to give the giantess a chance and agree to hang out with her.

Posted on June 8th, 2013
If a giantess has a tiny man with her she will always takes him where ever she goes by putting him in her pocket but when a giantess can’t put her tiny man in her pocket she will often look for other places to put him. Her favorite place to put him is in between her breasts but every so often she will put in other places. When this giantess went to the beach she wanted to take her tiny man with her so to do that she had to put him in a place where she’ll know where he is. The giantess decided put him in her breasts but as her breasts were too sweaty he found it hard to stay in one place and he slipped and fell into her panties. The tiny man struggled to get out but that only succeeded into letting the giantess know where he was. The giantess didn’t bother to remove him as she thought it was the perfect way for the tiny man to let the giantess where he is.

Posted on June 7th, 2013
When you are taller then the average woman life can be quite difficult. A mini giantess can’t go anywhere without people either staring up at her or trying to avoid her. This woman was waiting to cross a busy road when all of a sudden a giantess came walking up to her. The giantess wasn’t that big but she was big enough to intimidate the tiny woman. All the woman could do was stare up at her as she had never seen a woman as big as she was before and because the woman was deep in thought she didn’t notice the giantess talking to her. The giantess waited patiently for a reply but she never got one. The giantess thought that the smaller woman was overwhelmed so to make the woman more comfortable with her the giantess decided to stop and try to have a talk with her.

Posted on June 6th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a shrunken man trapped in a house when all of a sudden he realises he is standing in front of the feet of a giantess at first the tiny many is confused as he begins to figure out what to do. Meanwhile a second giantess comes across a shrunken village. Not wanting the village in her house she begins to crush it but the buildings prove to be a little difficult to crush so to make sure she does crush the tiny houses she decides to use a bit more force and it worked as after stepping on the house a few times she manages to crush the tiny buildings under her foot. Once she had crushed the small village the giantess orders a tiny man to clean the floor but unfortunately he doesn’t do a good job and to punish him the giantess steps on him crushing in instantly. When she had clean him up she decides to play a little game with another tiny man using only her feet but the tiny man has a tiny gun and begins to shoots her.
You can watch this video here Giantess Fun.
Posted on June 5th, 2013
When people think a giantess they don’t normally think of the sea but every once in a while tiny people would be in their boats minding their own business when a giantess pops up out of the ocean. Some giantesses just love to cause destruction but other giantesses only want to play and have a bit of fun. When this giantess popped up out of the water she really caused quite a stir for the tiny people on the ship. The tiny people had never seen a giantess in the middle of the ocean before and they didn’t know what she was capable of. When the giantess rose out of the water everyone on the ship expected her to be either naked or in a bikini but to their surprise she was wearing a sailor outfit. Hoping the giantess wouldn’t notice them the tiny ship tried to sail away before the giantess could see her.

Posted on June 4th, 2013
When a giantess arrives in a city the first thing most tiny people try to run away her hoping the giantess wouldn’t take any interest in them. When a giantess does take an interest in them it doesn’t take her long to catch up to them crushing them under her feet. When this giantess came to town every tiny person had already gone. The giantess had to look very carefully hoping to find some people who were left behind. After hours of looking she found a small group of people who were left behind. As the giantess got closer the tiny people saw the giantess and began to run but they could escape her as the giantess only needed to walk to catch up with them. To try and confuse the giantess the group of tiny people decided to split up into smaller groups as they thought that the giantess would lose interest in them and leave them alone. This proved useless as the giantess singled out a few tiny people and started to chase them.

Posted on June 3rd, 2013
This video on youtube shows a man walking along the beach when all of a sudden he comes across a lamp that has been washed up on the shore. When the he rubs the lamp a giantess pops out. The man expected the giantess to grant him three wishes because he released her from the lamp but the giantess just laughs and orders him to massage her feet. While the gives he a foot massage her foot massage he tries to run away thinking the giantess wouldn’t see him but unfortunately she catches him trying to run and to stop him from getting away she sat on him pinning him under her butt. Once she was sure he couldn’t get away she picked him up and tasted him. The giantess found the tiny man to taste really good so wasting no time she lifted him up and dropped him in her mouth eating him alive.
You can watch this video here Genie Giantess
Posted on June 2nd, 2013
While most giantesses will enjoy having loads of power over tiny people and will destroy a city out of pure pleasure but are few giantesses who have no intention of harming anyone but will unintentionally destroy a building. All this giantess wanted to do was to look for somewhere to sit and rest as she had walked along way and was getting tired. The giantess then found the perfect building to sit on or so she thought because no sooner as she has sat down the building came crashing down under her sheer weight causing the giantess to fall. Fortunately no tiny people were hurt but the building that she sat on was completely destroyed. When the giantess had realised what she had done she began to panic as she saw all the tiny people running away from her. The giantess wanted to get them back but she was too cause to move as she didn’t want to destroy anything else.

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!