Posted on July 1st, 2013
This video on youtube shows three men talking to each other when all of a sudden a giantess appears behind the trees. At first the giantess waits behind the trees watching them to see what the tiny men do next. After the tiny men continue to talk the giantess get board of watching and decides to come out of hiding. When she gets close enough the three men becomes scared as the giantess stops right in front of them. The giantess orders the tiny men to worship her and to make sure they do a good job she hovers her foot above the tiny men. Once she is satisfied that they are doing a good job she sits down trapping one of the tiny men between her toes . Seeing that the tiny man is stuck between her toes she has a little fun by pressing her toes together and squeezing him. The two other tiny men have a bad feeling as they giantess begins to think about what to do with them.
You can watch this video here Giantess slave worship.
Posted on June 30th, 2013
Being tortured by a giantess can be bad at the best of times but when two giantesses torture a tiny man it can be a real nightmare as a tiny man is less likely to escape and the giantesses are more likely to have fun torturing a city full of tiny people. When this giantess arrived in town she didn’t count on seeing that another giantess had claimed this city for herself. The tiny people that were left expected the two giantesses to have a fight but instead they decided to join forces and torture the tiny people together which was good news for them but bad news for the tiny people on the street bellow. One of the giantesses would simply pick up a tiny man and either eat him or play with him but the other one took a completely different approach and instead of just picking them up she would offer her hand out to them. If a tiny man chose to climb on her palm she would either eat them, play with them or simply keep them as a toy if she found one cute enough but if they chose not to climb on her palm she would simply crush them or sit on them.

Posted on June 29th, 2013
Most people think that the main feature of a casino is the showgirls. They are so popular that everyone seems to forget about the waitresses who come round to offer them drinks but that all changed when the manager of one casinos decided to hire a giantess. Luckily for him the casino was big enough to accommodate a giantess. The sight of a giantess went down a storm as word got out that a giantess was working as a waitress many people from far and wide came to the casino just to see her. The giantess really enjoyed the attention she was getting but the problem was is that instead of doing her job and serving drinks to her customers she has lavishing in the attention she was getting from them. This left the manager wondering if he should have have hired the giantess as a showgirl instead of waitress.

Posted on June 28th, 2013
J Yubari and the team at giantess fan present Scanner 3. The main themes of this issue of the scanner series are growth and shrinking although there are a bit of destruction but only a little. In this issue we see Lilly starting to take control of her condition learning to grow and shrink when and as she pleased. I like this issue of Scanner as it doesn’t focus on destruction although it does has a tiny bit and people who like shrunken women won’t be disappointed as there is some shrunken woman scenes in it.

Lilly continues to discover her power to grow and even shrink. Can she figure out how to harness her special powers without harming others?
Tags: giantess, shrunken woman, growth, shrinking
Becomes a member of Giantess Fan and Download Scanner 3 today.
Posted on June 27th, 2013
This video on youtube shows A girl coming back home and all she wants to do is relax but little does she know that a group of tiny people had some how broken into her house without. When the giantess relaxes the tiny people started to admire her whole body including her hands and feet and all without the giantess seeing or hearing them. After she relaxes for a bit the giantess suddenly gets up. When she does finally sees then she mistakes the tiny people for bugs and threatens to crush them by showing then the bottom of her feet. Once the giantess issues the warning all the tiny people start to run in opposite directions. One tiny man accidentally runs into a bowl of mixed nuts and without realising it she puts him in her mouth and eats him.
You can watch this video here Relax 3 – A bugmen movie.
Posted on June 26th, 2013
When a girl gets a hold of a shrunken man it is all very well and good but when she isn’t playing with him she needs to stop other girls from getting their hands on him so she needs to find the perfect hiding spot to put him. The perfect place to put a tiny man not only needs to hide the tiny man but the giantess needs to look for a place where she wouldn’t accidentally crush him so putting him in her shoe is out f the question. This girl knew she couldn’t play with her tiny man forever so to so make sure nobody would find him the giantess had to come up with a good place to hide him. She decided to keep him with her as if she left him alone someone was bound to find him and take him away. The giantess wanted to put in him a place where she wouldn’t forget about him so she decided to put him in her breasts as she knew she would be able . Just as she was about to lower him into her breasts she had the great idea of putting him down the front of her panties that way she will always know where he is at all times.

Posted on June 25th, 2013
The world can be a dangerous place for a tiny man but the main danger is a giantess as she doesn’t always crush him under various part of her body. Sometimes a much bigger giantess will take an interest in what the woman is doing and stay to watch . When this giantess had captured her tiny man she decided not to crush him instead she found torturing him more fun but little did she know she was being watched. While the giantess was torturing the tiny man a much bigger giantess had come to town. The giantess was looking for a bit of fun. Just then she came across a building and when the she looked inside one of the windows she could see a tiny woman torturing a much smaller man. The more the larger giantess watched the more she started to take and interest in what the tiny woman was doing. After a while of watching the giantess decided to go and capture a tiny person for herself.

Posted on June 24th, 2013
This video on youtube shows that you are tiny and you have just entered a house looking to find some help but no sooner as you enter in you hear the footsteps of a girl heading your way. You want to run to get out of the way but you are too scared to move as you know that the giantess will catch up to you with without any effort. When she does catches up to you see the giantess has suddenly stopped and is now looking down at you. You hope that the giantess will help you but all your hopes are dashed when she hovers her foot over you and then you realise that she has no intention on helping you out. The giantess then lowers her foot down on you but to your surprise she doesn’t crush you at least not yet. After stepping you and taunting you a few times with her feet the giantess gets board of you and crushes you under her foot.
You can watch this video here Kassandra Stepping On You.
Posted on June 23rd, 2013
A giantess will always appreciate the help of a tiny man but there are only so many things a tiny man can do without her helping him. An evil giantess will try and push the tiny man to his limits but a gentle giantess will be more concerned about his well being. All this tiny man wanted to do was to help but the giantess was so busy with what she was doing she didn’t notice the tiny man trying to get her attention. The tiny man thought long and hard until finally he came up with a great idea. To get the giantess’s attention the tiny man made his way to her foot and started to climb it. The giantess could feel the tiny man on her foot and when she looked back she could see that the tiny man was holding something for her. The giantess felt a bit sorry for him as he was struggling to get to the top of her foot so when he was half up she decided to help him.

Posted on June 22nd, 2013
There is nothing an evil giantess loves more then to destroy anything in her path whether it be destroying a city or crushing little people under her foot but her most favorite thing to do is to destroy buildings especially if there is a lot of tiny people inside it. This giantess was so bent on destruction that before she destroyed a building she would look through the windows of it to make sure there were tiny people in every room. If the giantess found a building that was empty she would destroy it as quickly as possible but if she found a building that was full of little people she would take her time as she loved to see the look of terror in the tiny people’s eyes as they knew what was about to happen next. Once she has gotten all the joy out of torturing the tiny people inside the building she would slam her foot down on the building crushing all the tiny people inside.

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!