Posted on July 31st, 2013
When a giantess goes for a swim the the sea she will sometimes come across a bridge and when she does she can’t help but take a car with her but since there are so many cars it can be really tricky to choose just one. When this giantess came to a bridge she was overwhelmed on the number of cars there were on the bridge and she only had time to choose one since it was getting late and she had to go home soon. As car after car went by it became harder and harder to chose as when she would find a car she liked it would go past her when she tried to grab it and she would have to wait for another one to drive by. Just as the sun was about to go down the giantess decided to act now as she managed to reach down and pick a tiny black car from off the bridge. Happy with her chose the giantess could finally go and play with her tiny car in peace after taking a long time to choose the car in the first place.

Posted on July 30th, 2013
On a few occasions a giantess will come into a city with an intention to find one particular tiny but finding that person in a city with an infinite places to hide can be impossible to to make things easier for her she will completely destroy the city and hopefully this will flush out that particular tiny person. This giantess was chasing a tiny man when all of a sudden he ran into a nearby city. This made the task of catching him impossible as there was a lot of people she could mistake him for and a lot of buildings for a tiny man to hide in so rather then find the tiny man she was looking for she decided to flush him out by destroying the city this mean’t crushing a lot of innocent people but it was worth it just to catch the tiny man she was looking for.

Posted on July 29th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a man and a woman arguing. In the middle of the argument the woman begins to grow much to the man’s dismay. When the woman stops growing she start to push the man around however the man doesn’t take it lying down as he begins to kick her but before he gets a chance to kick her again she shrinks him to about half his original height. Once he stops shrinking she kicks him sending the tiny man flying across the room. The giantess comes to help him up but the tiny man manages to knock down the giantess. Once the giantess is down the tiny man begins to fight her but she just manages to push him off of her. When the giantess gets back up she picks up the tiny man and throws him across the room. by this time the giantess a significantly bigger then the man as she towers above him. The tiny man tries to fight back but the giantess just stops her and just as she was about to finish him off a bigger giantess comes alone. The bigger giantess picks up the much smaller giantess and the tiny man.. When she drops then the bigger giantess just steps on them crushing them.
You can watch this video here Outmatched
Posted on July 28th, 2013
J Yubari and the team at giantess fan present the third issue of The Apex Rush series. In this issue of the Apex Rush series the forces of evil have taken control of Judy Longbows friend and supersized her and it up to Judy to stop the forces of evil and save her friend. I think this issue will appeal to those who like a good battle between two giantesses with some destruction in it. As with the previous issues of the Apex Rush series i really like the story but i think the art stands out more for me.

Capt. Judy Longbow thought her big troubles were over when the GTS formula was reversed last night. But now the forces of evil have not only supersized her friend Monica Ozean but gained control of Monica’s body! Either Judy just watches as her buddy destroys herself and New Imperium City or Judy comes down with a serious case of ‘here we grow again’ to stop Monica!
Tags: giantess, destructions
Become a member of Giantess Fan and download Apex Rush 3 today!
Posted on July 27th, 2013
For a giantess the streets can be a bit narrow and space can be a bit limited. This doesn’t bother a giantess however as she will always find away to sit and either rest or interact with the tiny people bellow even it she has to destroy the surrounding buildings to do it. This giantess was walking down a main street when all of a sudden she decided to sit and rest for a while. The giantess didn’t have any problem looking for a place to sit but she was expecting to find at least some tiny people wandering around but to her disappointment the streets were completely empty but on the plus at least she could sit down without worrying if she has crushed a tiny person or not. To the giantess the main street was a bit narrow but it wasn’t any problem since there was just enough room to make herself comfortable without having to destroy anything.

Posted on July 26th, 2013
When a giantess leaves a city she sometimes takes something from that city as a souvenir whether it will be a tiny man or a building that was left standing after her rampage but one thing is for sure nobody knows what a giantess does with her prize once she has left the city. Some giantesses will play with their new toy but others will simply destroy it. When she left a city this giantess thought it would be a good idea to take something from the city as a keepsake. She thought about taking a tiny person but since they were too small for her she decided to take a building instead. The giantess was looking forward to playing with her new toy and once she had found a nice place she started to play with it. The Giantess used her feet to play with the building but no sooner as her feet touched the building it broke apart. The giantess was really upset so she decided to vent her anger on the city she got the building from.

Posted on July 25th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a giantess and a tiny man. The giantess has just ordered the tiny man to get stronger by working out. The tiny man start by doing push ups much the the giantess’s amusement. At first the giantess finds if amusing that the tiny man is working out as he knows that she likes her tiny men to be stronger and fit but after a while the giantess starts to get board and to spice things up a bit she starts to put pressure on the tiny man. The giantess starts by putting one foot on his back but she still feels that his work out is too easy for him so she puts both of her feet on his back. The tiny man begins to feel the pressure as eventually he collapses from tiredness and this causes the giantess t get off him. When the tiny man gets up he can finally take on the giantess but she just traps his head between his legs.
You can watch this video here Giantess Tinies work out.
Posted on July 24th, 2013
Growth can be a bit unpredictable and nobody knows when or where it will hit a giantess needs to get out of buildings as fast as possible before she gets too big for the exit other wise she would destroy the building and kill alot of innocent people. When this giantess started to grow she was in a building. The growing tried desperately to get out but before she got to the exit but by the time she had gotten to the exit she was too big and couldn’t fit through the door to get out. The growing giantess wished that she would stop growing but her body wasn’t ready to stop growing yet. When she had finally stopped growing she had destroyed the building she was in but fortunately nobody was hurt. What was even more surprising is the the building she destroyed was due to be demolished and the giantess was doing the demolition crew a huge favor by destroying the building herself so they didn’t have to do it themselves.

Posted on July 23rd, 2013
Every so often a giantess just loves to get a nice foot rub but finding someone to give her a foot rub is almost impossible as one tiny person rubbing her foot will just not cut it. That didn’t stop this giantess however as she had been walking all day and was in need of a good foot rub. The giantess tried to get one tiny man to rub her feet but even his best efforts weren’t nearly good enough as he was just too small so the giantess decided to try something else. The giantess thought long and hard on what to do and then she thought if one tiny person couldn’t rub her feet then she would get a large group to rub her feet for her. The problem was that finding that many tiny people that was willing to rub her feet. The giantess then remembered that she was in a large city. At first the giantess asked the tiny people nicely to rub her feet but when they refused she decided to she what would happen if they didn’t rub her feet. When her foot came crashing down on part of their city the tiny people decided it was time to get to work and rub her feet.

Posted on July 22nd, 2013
This video on youtube shows a man relaxing in the sun and because he was so relaxed he had suddenly fallen asleep. A short time later a giantess was heading towards him. The giantess suddenly stopped next to him and waited for the tiny man to wake up the giantess didn’t have to wait long however as the tiny man woke up. No sooner as he saw the giantess the tiny man tried to run but the giantess was too quick as she pined him down under her foot before he had a chance to get up. The giantess told him that he was in the place where she wanted to sit but instead of waiting for him to move she sat on him and moved him under her butt. The giantess was having fun with the tiny man under her butt and when she finally got up se didn’t notice that the tiny man was stuck to her butt. The giantess did think about moving on but she decided not to as she had a feeling that he was stuck on her butt when she didn’t see him on the ground so she sat back down crushing the tiny man under her butt.
You can watch this video here Giantess Sitting Where I Want To Sit.

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!