Posted on September 13th, 2013
It is not easy being a giantess especially when looking for a date as most tiny men would be intimidated by her size and even if she does find a date it would be hard to go anywhere as most places can’t accommodate a giantess. When this giantess got invited to a dance she was really happy but on the invitation it said to bring a plus one but since her growth spurt most of her male friends had avoided her completely so the giantess had no choice but to go to the dance alone. When she got to the dance most of the tiny people had left as soon as they saw her. Feeling left out the giantess was about to go home when all of a sudden she noticed that one tiny man was left behind. The giantess decided to take her chance and ask he tiny man to dance with her. At first the tiny man wasn’t sure but since he was alone he decided to take up the giantess’s offer and dance with her.

Posted on September 12th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a giantess taking a bath when all of a sudden a tiny woman appears. The giantess is unaware that the tiny woman is there so the tiny woman takes this opportunity to study the giantess in a tiny swimming pool. With the information she needs the tiny woman builds a giantess robot that looks like a giantess and once she is happy with it she joins the giantess robot on a salvage mission to recover something from the bottom of the sea. It take a while of searching but eventually she finds what she was looking for. When she resurfaces she encounters a giant robot but because she is accompanied she easily defeats the robot and sends it flying in the distance.
You can watch this video here Kirameki Giantess scenes
Posted on September 11th, 2013
When a giantess captures a tiny man she likes to inspect him to make sure he isn’t too badly damage. While inspecting him the giantess likes to see what he looks like as well as seeing if she has injured him because if she has injured him too badly she can’t do anything she had planned for him and she has to look for someone else to play with. Fortunately this giantess hadn’t hurt the tiny man too badly but she had knocked him out and she had to wait for him to wake up. She waited patiently for him but after some time he still wouldn’t wake up and the giantess became increasingly tired of waiting so she gave him a few more minutes and if by that time he still hadn’t woken up she would just discard him and look else where for a tiny man to play with.

Posted on September 10th, 2013
Sometimes the hustle and bustle of a tiny city can be a bit to much for a giantess and she needs time for herself so ever once in a while she will try and find somewhere more quiet away from any tiny person or city to sit and relax. While destroying a city this giantess started to think if destroying a city as fun as other giantesses made it look. Once she had completely destroyed the city she decided to look for somewhere she could be alone and think instead of moving on to the next city. At first the giantess tried a nice relaxing swim but since there was too many swimmer around she decided against it and rather then cause a commotion she decided to look for somewhere more quieter. After hours of searching she decided to settle on a mountain side and think but when she got herself comfortable she was so relaxed she drifted off to sleep instead of thinking.

Posted on September 5th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a woman having an argument with her friends. In the middle of the argument the woman begins to grow into a giantess. All her friends can do is watch as she continues to grow. When the giantess finally stops growing her friends look up at her as she towers over them all. The giantess looks down at them and as she does she lifts her foot and slams it down on top of the tiny people bellow. The tiny people only just manage to avoid her foot as she continues to attack them. One of the tiny en tries to talk to her but she doesn’t listen to him and focuses her attacks on the tiny man himself . Summoning all the strength he can the tiny man manages to lift th giantess off the floor and toss her into the sea forcing a second tiny man to jump in after her.
You can watch this video here One Piece – Giantess Growth.
Posted on September 4th, 2013
With all the giantess attack the tiny people of this city has associated giantesses with being evil and wanting to destroy all the time. When a giantess came to the city most of the tiny people had already left town without asking what the giantess wanted. This giantess only came to the city just to find a certain person but that proved a bit of a challenge as most of the tiny people had either left town or went into hiding. Also because the giantess was so big she couldn’t see the faces of the tiny people so it was hard to tell one tiny person from another. The giantess didn’t want to destroy anything but she knew that sooner or later she would have no choice because if the tiny man she was after was here she would find him.

Posted on September 3rd, 2013
Some giantesses just love to grab the attention of tiny people and the more tiny people who notice her the more powerful she feels and she will do just about anything to get it. This giantess just loved to be in power but she couldn’t just go how she was because she would make all the tiny people around her run away and she wanted them to stay and watch her. At first she thought about crush a group of tiny people but that would only make things worse so she began to take her clothes off. As she removed each item of cloths more and more people came just to watch her strip. By the time the giantess got to her high heels a large crowd had gathered around her just to see a naked giantess and she finally felt more powerful then anyone in the world.

Posted on September 2nd, 2013
This video on youtube shows a tiny man down as he wonders the streets. While he walking he noticed two girls in the distance. The two girl are walking towards him and as they get closer he noticed the two girls are really giantesses. The two giantesses are so busy talking to each they don’t see the tiny man running towards them. The tiny man noticed that the girl were wearing skirts and tried to get a better look at them by running towards them but because thy don’t see him the giant girls just walk past him and while they are going past him one of the giantess steps on him and crushes him into the ground. fortunately the tiny man survives and starts to run after they two giantesses but because they are so big compare to him he finds it hard to keep up and lets them get away.
You can watch is video here Anime Giantess Unaware
Posted on September 1st, 2013
Not all giantess like being stared at but when she’s as big as a building it is hard to get around without people staring at her. This can make her very and and a bit embarrassed and she will either run as far as she can and try to hide somewhere or resort to destroying the city and making sure that nobody can stare at her again. For this giantess going around town proved quite a challenge as she couldn’t go anywhere without people running away from her and those people who didn’t run for her just stared at her. The giantess didn’t feel comfortable with the tiny people staring up at her and everywhere she went the tiny people would follow her and some would even climb building she to get a closer look. The giantess didn’t want to destroy anything but if the tiny people didn’t stop soon she would have no choice.

Posted on August 31st, 2013
When interacting the a tiny person i giantess likes to be left alone and to do that a giantess will need to leave the city and take the tiny person with her to a more remote place where she can have that person all to herself whether they like it or not. After this giantess had caught a tiny man all she wanted to do is to have him all to herself but to do that the giantess had to leave the city. The tiny man she had captured had other ideas but never had a say as he knew the giantess wouldn’t listen to him. Once the giantess was sure she was alone she put the tiny man on a ledge and to ensure he wouldn’t try to run away she put him somewhere where she knew he wouldn’t be able to get away. Once she was happy that the tiny man couldn’t get away she could finally interact with her tiny man in peace.

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!