Posted on August 10th, 2013
Because of their size a giantess can cope really well in the cold but when the snow gets too bad even a giantess needs to dress up sometimes. Some giantesses think because they are big they don’t need to dress up all nice and warm.This giantess was so determined to visit a city and not even the weather would stop her. the giantess was so busy enjoying the peace and quite of the city when in started snowing but instead f going home to get dressed she decided to stay in the city and have some fun as she was so sure she could withstand the cold due to her massive size. As she made her way through the city she decided to stop off at a movie theatre and wait for the tiny people to come out so she can grab one and take them home with her but until then the giantess was willing to wait in her bra and panties until a tiny person came out.

Posted on August 9th, 2013
Not all giantesses go to a city to destroy it some giantess go to simply take a vacation and relax. Some giantess love to take a vacation alone just to get some quite time by herself but other prefer to take a vacation with a friend whether it be a fellow giantess or a tiny man. When this giantess went on vacation she decided to take her friend, a fellow giantess as she could have more fun if she went with someone her size rather then a tiny man. When the two giantesses arrived they noticed that the city was way to small to vacation there so they decided to find somewhere nearby to vacation. Once they found the perfect place they decided to go to the city and see what fun things there were to do but before they did they decided to take a photo of them neat the city.

Posted on August 8th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a girl looking for her friend when all of a sudden she is encountered with a flash of bright light. When the woman wakes up she finds that the light has gone and in it’s place are a group of people.One of the people ask her if she is all right and offers to help her up and when she asks the man where she is he tells her that she had shrunk when she had come into contact with the white light. After the tiny man has explained what had happen he goes to higher ground to see were the group is. When he gets to the top he noticed a giantess heading his way. The tiny man tried to get her attention by jumping towards her. The tiny man manages to land between her breasts but because she is moving so much it becomes harder for him to get stable. At first the giantess thinks he is a bug but on closer inspection she finds out that he is a tiny man who tries to warn her about the light but by the time she sees the light she is too late and the light shrinks her too.
You can watch this video here Shuffle! Memories – Shrinking / Giantess [HD]
Posted on August 7th, 2013
When a giantess makes her way from one city to another she can sometimes come across certain objects. Most things she will either avoid or destroy but there are some things that she can’t resist investigating but secretly she hopes that it would contain a tiny man as she finds them quite interesting and fun to play with. Having played with most of the cities on an island she decided to make her way back to the mainland. Half way across the ocean she noticed a small light in the distance. This caught her interest as she made her way towards the source of the light. When she got to the mainland she noticed that the light came from inside a a building. The giantess became very interest in the light and tried to figure out a way to get it out of the building without it going out but that was easier said then done.

Posted on August 6th, 2013
When a giantess wants to be serviced she doesn’t want just anyone making her happy. In fact she just loves to show the tiny people of the near by city that they aren’t as useless as they think they are.A giantess prefers to ave tiny people massage her because they can get in those spaces that other giantesses can’t. When this giantess wanted a foot rub she decided to check out the nearest. When she got there she saw that the city was packed full of tiny people . This was perfect as the giantess could get the full experience of a foot rub performed by tiny people. When the giantess first ordered the tiny people to rub her feet most of them were reluctant to rub her feet. The giantess left the few that did rub her feet alone but the ones who didn’t she decided to show them what would happen if they continued to refused by crushing a small group of tiny people that refused to obey her using her hand. Seeing the crushed body of their friends they tiny people decided to co-operate and rub the giantess’s feet while the giantess recruited more tiny people to rub her feet for her.

Posted on August 5th, 2013
This video on youtube show two tiny people on the run from a giantess. Hoping that they can lose her the tiny people run into a large city but it doesn’t take long for the giantess to track down the tiny couple as she is soon on their tail. This tiny the tiny couple hide inside a building and when they see the giantess walk past them they feel a small sense of relief until a giant hand reaches in to grab them. The giantess gets luck as she manages to catch the tiny woman but they tiny man manages to get away.Wanting to get revenge on the giantess the tiny man transform into a superhero just as the military starts to attack her. At first the tiny man’s attack do nothing against her but soon he manages to defeat her. When he does defeat her he is shocked to see that she is a robot.
You can watch this video here Giantess Linda | Rio: Rainbow Gate! Episode 14
Posted on August 4th, 2013
When choosing an item to take with a giantess can’t afford to by choosy as they know that the military will be trying to take her down so wasting no time she just picks up the closest thing she can and leaves the city before the military catches up to her. When this giantess approached the city the tiny every assumed that she was here to destroy the city and most of them fled on anticipation. This made the giantess’s job a lot harder as she was supposed to bring back a tiny person with her but since there wasn’t any she decided to take something else. As the giantess made her through the city she noticed that there was a lot of tiny cars and since there were no tiny people around she decided to take a chance and take a tiny car hoping that there would be a tiny person inside

Posted on August 3rd, 2013
A giantess has to take a break sometimes and when she does she likes to get comfortable. If the tiny people do manage to make her comfortable the giantess will be merciful and will just play with them but if they fail to make the giantess comfortable she will waste no time in crushing the tiny people and destroying their city. When this giantess wanted to get comfy she tried everything the tiny people offered her but nothing worked but just as was about to give up she lean’t on a building and to her surprise the building felt quite good against her back. The giantess was quite pleased as she could get comfortable aswell as destroying the building she was leaning against and once the building was completely destroyed she could go and look for some tiny people to play with.

Posted on August 2nd, 2013
When a giantess is not destroying a city she loves to interact with all the tiny people that live in the city. Because f the size difference between her and the tiny she will often ask the tiny to climb on something like a building so she can see them better. For this giantess interacting with a tiny person as hard considering she was so big and they were so small but that wasnt going to stop her from trying. First the giantess needed to pick out a tiny man that took her fancy.Which was really easy as she picked out a tiny man straight away. Once she had gotten him in her hand she put him down on the nearest building she could find and sat down beside it. The tiny man was scared as he didn’t know what was going to happen to him but the giantess was really nice and explained that she only to get to know him and she hoped that over tiny she would become good friends with him.

Posted on August 1st, 2013
This video on youtube shows a man relaxing in a bar when all of a sudden a green bubble comes down and traps him inside. The next thing he knows he had been transported in the presences of a giantess. At first the giantess just stands there trying to figure out how to get the tiny man out of the bubble. When she figures out how to get him out she comes up to the tiny man and finally lifts the bubble up and freeing the tiny man from his prison. Once he is free she becomes really happy and starts to sit on him making sure he is such firmly to her butt and then she crushes him under her butt again to make sure he comes unstuck. When the giantess is happy she has suffered enough she start to grow and when she breaths through her nose she breaths in the tiny man.
You can watch this video here Giantess Breath

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!