Posted on August 30th, 2013
When ever a giantess is trying to have a great time she will notice that a tiny man would come and interupt her. Some tiny men will come up to her unnoticed but others will try to make their presence known even if it means getting crushed in the process. This giantess was having a great time relaxing on the beach when all of a sudden she felt something move on the soles of her feet. The giantess tried to ignore it but sh couldn’t and she was so eager to see what was tickling her feet. When she turned around she had noticed a tiny man had sat himself on the soles of her feet and was trying to get himself more comfortable. The tiny man didn’t know that he was sitting on the feet of a giantess and she could crush him without any effort if she wanted to. Since the tiny man wasn’t bothering her much she decided against alerting him to her presence and therefore scaring the tiny man away.

Posted on August 29th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a tiny woman who has just found herself in the presence of a giantess. While the tiny woman looks up in disbelief at the giantess she begins to grow. While the giantess is growing the tiny woman takes her chance and makes a break for it and runs away from the giantess but the giantess quickly sees the tiny woman running from her and quickly pins her to the floor using her foot being very careful not to crush her. At first the giantess moves the tiny woman around using her foot occasionally lifting her foot and the tiny woman with it. After a while the giantess becomes board and peels the tiny woman off her foot. After deciding what to do with her the giantess decides to eat the tiny woman so to make things fun for her the giantess decides to slowly put the tiny woman in her mouth and then swallow her whole.
You can watch this video here GIANTESS Shrunken Women
Posted on August 28th, 2013
J Yubari and the team at giantess fan present the second issue of A Weekend Alone. In this issue the surviving shrunken people have to find away to get the attention of the unaware giantess without getting crushed themselves. Like the first issue this issue is packed full of unaware themes from body exploration to unaware butt crush. I like the fact that all the unaware themes just flow through this issue of A Weekend alone going from one theme to another.

A young man has his girlfriend over while his father is away. The neighborhood mysteriously shrinks before she arrives, forcing them to seek refuge at the father’s home. Shortly thereafter, the girlfriend arrives, and trouble begins…
Tags: unaware, crush, stomp, shrunken man, shrunken woman, boob crush, climb, body exploration
Become a member of Giantess Fan and download A Weekend Alone and other great comics today.
Posted on August 27th, 2013
Having just captured a tiny man each two giantess decided to take them to the beach. When they got to the beach they noticed that the tiny people were having a volleyball game. The giantesses decided to enter the game and decided to challenge two of the best tiny men to a game. The giantess didn’t give them a choice as the two giantesses decided for them. To make things more interest the giantesses decided to make a bet with the two men. If the tiny men won they would release the two tiny men they had already captured as well as letting them go but if the two tiny men lost they would go with the two giantess and be their slaves for the rest of their lives. With the bet settled the game could begin and to start with the tiny men had the upper hand bt they knew that their lead wouldn’t last very long as the giantesses scored one point after another.

Posted on August 26th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a group of girls having beauty contest when all of sudden a ray of light hits one of the girls. The ray of light came from some sort of ray gun which made the girl grow. Luckily the girl didn’t become too big but when she grew he clothes ripped off and she had to find something to cover herself . The growth ray fired again this time hitting a second girl. The growth of the second girl really got the crowd and judged all fired up and wanting more. The person who fired the growth ray was preparing to fire again. The girl he was aiming at begged him not to shoot her but he wouldn’t listen and shot her anyway. When she stopped growing she started to cry because she didn’t want to be big in the first place. When one of the girl found out why the beauty contest happened she was so angry she started firing in random directions making anything that it hit grow bigger.
You can watch this video here Growth Ray
Posted on August 25th, 2013
It is surprising how stealthy a giantess can be especially when sneaking on an unsuspecting tiny man. This giantess thought she could sneak up on a tiny person but the problem was because she was so big a tiny person would alway hear her and would run away before she has the chance to take or eat them. This tiny man was working on top of a nearby building when the giantess came past him. This was perfect for her as because the tiny man was busy with his work he hadn’t seen her so the giantess decided to take her chance and sneak up on the unsuspecting tiny man being as quite as she possibly could. As the giantess got closer she increasingly got a bit more worried as she was so sure he would hear her. When the giantess got to the building she was amazed to find he still hadn’t heard her so she took a final chance and prepared to eat him.

Posted on August 24th, 2013
A giantess will sometimes meet another giantess in a city but if she gets to the city early she has no choice but to wait for her friend to arrive . While she waits she will either just sit and wait or amuse herself with the tiny people living in the city or the buildings that make up the city. This giantess had arranged to meet her friend in the nearby city but when she got their she found out that her friend wouldn’t be able to meet her for a while. Knowing this the giantess decided to have some fun and play with the tiny city she was waiting in. As the day drew to a close her friend still hadn’t turned up so instead of waiting she decided to see if she could find her.

Posted on August 23rd, 2013
One minute a giantess can be walking through a town or city and the next thing she will notice is that she has just stepped on a tiny man just because he didn’t get out of the way in time. The tiny people will have plenty of warnings and more will run or get out of the way of the giantess but a few tiny men will try anything just to get a better view of her. Most of the tiny people had gone when this giantess arrived but the few that remained behind tried ever so hard to get a better view of her even though that if they got in her way she would step on then by mistake and since she was the kind of giantess who didn’t like to get into trouble the tiny people who wanted to see her would have made getting through the town that much harder for her.

Posted on August 22nd, 2013
This video on youtube shows a man waking up only to find he is in an arena with a two giantesses. One of the giantess is much bigger then the other as they both look down at the tiny man at their feet. The first giantess steps into the ring to confront the tiny man but it isn’t much of a battle as the giantess has a major size advantage against the tiny man. The bigger giantess sits and watches the smaller giantess humiliate the tiny man. After a while the smaller giantess starts to get board and leaves the arena leaving the much large giantess to take her place. The tiny man is no match for the mega giantess as she simply pins him under her foot and starts to play with him under her foot. Not wanting to be left out the smaller giantess begins to grow and joins her friend in torturing the tiny man.
You can watch this video here GIANTESS standing on the shoulders of Giantess
Posted on August 21st, 2013
Curiosity can sometimes get the better of a giantess as there are so many buildings around and she can’t help but look inside the windows to see what she can find. If she finds a tiny person she likes she will either grab them or just simply wave hello but on to make things more fun for her she will do both wave and grab, When this giantess came to town she became more interested at what was inside the buildings. As she went looking through each and every building she gradually got disappointed as there was nothing of interest inside but when she got to the last building she noticed something that would catch her interest. Inside one of the windows was a tiny man but this tiny man wasn’t like any other as all of the tiny men she saw just ran away from her bu this tiny man didn’t seem the least but scared despite not nothing what the giantess was like. The tiny man decided to take a chance and wave to her hoping the giantess would see him. Fortunately for him the giantess saw him and waved back as she decided whether or not to take the tiny man for herself.

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!