Posted on April 13th, 2013

J Yubari is doing a free art commission giveaway on his new forum at Size Forum. That means you can request what you’d like to see drawn so long as it relates to ANY size fetish such as GTS, SM, SW, BE, FM and related sub-fetishes. All you have to do is register for a free forum account and post your request with the format provided. Winners will get a free illustration like what you see above.
The request thread and read the rules and description before posting. It’s really easy and you’ll get to see awesome artwork posted as soon as they are finished by the artists.
Posted on April 12th, 2013
After an active day a giantess needs to find a place to sleep but when she is as big as a city it can be really difficult to find a nice place to sleep and a city doesn’t really cater for giantesses. This giantess had decided she would settle down right in the city but finding a place within the city was extremely hard as everything is way to small for her so if she couldn’t find room then she’d make room. The giantess then started to destroy a few building but only to make room for her to lie down. Once she had made enough room she got comfortable and just as just as she was about to go to sleep she noticed that a few tiny people were watching her from a nearby building. After seeing the tiny people the giantess thought she’d have a little fun with them before she went to sleep.

Posted on April 11th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a girl growing to gigantic size. When she stops growing she become very anger and upset so she starts to go on a rampage taking her anger out on a nearby building. She starts by picking up a tree revealing a spell circle where the tree was. She then uses the tree to destroy the building. Suddenly she starts to cry as she fears she may not be normal size again just then she drops the tree and uses her hands and feet to destroy the building becoming increasingly upset as she does. When she has destroyed the building her friends tries to calm he down but the giantess doesn’t listen and jumps over her and starts to run away destroying houses in her path.
You can watch this video here giantess anime
Posted on April 10th, 2013
It is always a shock when a girl suddenly suffers a growth spurt as there is no telling how big she will get and when she does become a giantess it becomes even more difficult for her. Some giantesses start destroying buildings and bringing down cities, others will use their new size for good and help out the tiny community and some grow due to revenge and therefore they take out there anger on either one person or a small group of people. This city was going about it’s day to day lives when all of a sudden a giantess appeared out of nowhere. As she explored the city she noticed that there wasn’t many people and even the odd few people would end up crushed under her feet as she didn’t look where she was stepping and didn’t see the tiny person under foot. Te rest of the tiny people either ran into a building or ran out of town if fear of being crushed.

Posted on April 9th, 2013
When looking for a place to sit a giantess has to be careful as there are a lot of things she could sit on and that is just in the city. When this giantess was looking for a place to sit but she didn’t realise she had sat in the most awkward place outside a city in fact she had chosen to sit on a busy road and that can be dangerous probably not so for her but for the cars that drive along the road as they could crash into her. From what she could see the road didn’t look that busy but behind her a long line of traffic was building up. The cars would have to wait as the giantess wasn’t going to move anytime soon as she had set her sights on a nice car and when she does finally move she plans to take that car with her.

Posted on April 8th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a man doing some research on the land around him. Just then he hears some rumbling through the ground. He then turned his head and saw a giantess heading his way. The tiny man was so sure she was going to step on him but she stopped and as she looked down she spotted the tiny man at her foot. She then moved her shoe closer to him and the next thing he knew she had lifted him onto her shoe and was playing with him using her foot. The tiny man was holding on for his life but as the giantess carried on playing with him he started sliding down her sandal until he was under her big toe. The giantess had some how put the tiny man between her toes making sure she didn’t crush him. The giantess then noticed the tiny man was trying to escape but the giantess pushed him back between her toes making sure he was wedged tight. Once the giantess was happy that he couldn’t escape she went on her way. The giantess then suddenly met a much smaller giantess and decided to stop and take a break. The smaller giantess had noticed the tiny man between her toes and decided to eat him.
You can Watch this video here Giantess the resecercher
Posted on April 7th, 2013
Sometimes it is always wise for a girl to check her seat before she sits down as there maybe tiny men on her seat either because they are checking where they think they can be cleaver and get a closer look of a girls butt. Having only just been shrunk this tiny man had no idea where he was so he went off to see if he could find out where he was. He had only gone a short distance when he saw a chair which was the perfect thing he could use as it was nice and tall so wasting no time he started climbing to the seat of the chair. Once he got to the top he saw a dark shadow loomed over the top of him. The shadow belonged to a girl who just about to sit down on her chair. The tiny man tried to scream for help but his voice wasn’t loud enough for her to hear him so she sat on him. After a while she felt something under her butt so she got up too see what is was but there was nothing on her chair. The tiny man had gotten himself stuck on her butt and once she peeled him off he tried to explain what happened but that she had gotten the wrong idea and the next thing the tiny man knew he was back on her butt as she sat back down.

Posted on April 6th, 2013
The first thing you’d expect to see when you step on the balcony is a nice view of the city so it came to quite a surprise when this man stood on his balcony only to find a giantess standing on the street right in front on him. Lucky for him her feet didn’t quite reach quite far enought to destroy the balcony he was standing on and no buildings were destroyed either. Just then the man suddenly went back inside and a few minutes later he came out with a video camera ready to film the giantess and by the time he came out she had found a nice place to sit and she was sitting down on the street. The man was worried that if the giantess had caught him filming her he’d have nowhere to run and if he she did catch him she could do what ever she wanted to him but fortunately she was more interested in the tiny people on the street around her. The man wasn’t the only one around as he noticed a helicopter had flown over head to see if there was any injuries caused by the giantess. The giantess, however wasn’t there to cause trouble because all she wanted to do was sit down and relax

Posted on April 5th, 2013
Everyone knows that a city needs to be kept clean, after a giantess as destroyed it as a giantess does not want to rampage in a filthy city but how does a city keep so clean after a giantess attack. Shortly after a giantess leaves a city a giant maid will come and clean the mess that was left behind by the previous giantess but trying to keep a city clean when your a giantess is no easy feat as she will need to watch where she steps as there will be tiny people under foot and she would also need to beware of small towers that she could catch her dress on. This maid was so busy cleaning a building that she didn’t notice that her dress was caught on a small tower giving the tiny people bellow a great view of her butt. The giantess only noticed this when some tiny men started taking pictures of her butt. She wasn’t a violent girl but she needed to put a stop to it so she stopped cleaning the building and turned her attention to the tiny men but how she was going to deal with them was a mystery but one thing is certain it would be very messy.

Posted on April 4th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a scientist working on a ray that shrinks people. When she is done she gets the volunteer she hired to step on the platform ready to be shrunk. When he is on the platform she turns on the ray a beam of light shrinks him and when he has been shrunk she goes up to him and carries him to her desk to ready to be examined. She places him onto her desk and begins the examination but in the middle of the examination she drops him on the floor by mistake. While she is busy looking for him the scientist begins to grow. The tiny man, thinking the giantess isn’t watching him sudden makes a run for it but the giantess spots him and pins him down with her foot and starts to play with him using just her big toe. While she is moving her big toe and the tiny man a girl comes in to see what is going on. The giantess lifts up her foot so the tiny man is in front of her and the girl suddenly licks and eats the tiny man from the toe of the giantess.
You can watch this video here giantess the lab

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!