Posted on October 13th, 2013
Even tiny person knows that they can’t get too close to a giantess as a she doesn’t always watch where she step and sometimes can crush a tiny person under her foot or any other part of her body if they get to close no mater how much they want to see the giantess. When this giantess came to town some tiny people knew to get as far away from her as possible to avoid getting crushed under her powerful feet but some tiny people knew better and tried to get closer to her. A the giantess made her way through the city she was unaware that she was crushing tiny people with each step she took. As she got closer to the centre of the city she decided to check the condition of her feet and see if she had stepped in anything. When she saw that the soles of her feet where black she decided to find something in the city she could use the clean them.

Posted on October 12th, 2013
When you are asleep there is nothing more shocking them waking up and finding that you have been shrunk and to make matters worse this little man had shrunk next to his wife who was a massive giantess compare to him. Fortunately she was fast asleep and hadn’t seen him yet. The tiny man was undecided about what to do should he stay and try to get help from the giantess sleeping next to him or should he try to hide and hope that the giantess doesn’t see him. Whatever the tiny man decided he must have done it quick because it wouldn’t be too long before the giantess woke up.

After a restless night you awake with a strange feeling that something is not quite right. You hear loud breathing and a warm breeze coming from above. You are shadowed by something large and round, mountainous maybe. You take a closer look only to see that its the bare chest of your girlfriend only now shes 50ft tall. You cant help but lust over the sight.
Posted on October 11th, 2013
Highways and roads are more fun then most giantesses think they are as when a giantess comes to town the roads leading in and out of town can get really busy with tiny people trying to get out. Some giantess just ignore them and turn their attention to the city while other will forget about the city and focus on the tiny people trying to flee in their cars. When this giantess came to town she was immediately drawn to to the fleeing tiny people in their cars . The giantess made her way to the highway and when she got there she immediately chose one car from the traffic for her to play with. The giantess had the car now all she needed was a pace to sit and she couldn’t have chose the most awkward place as she has sat down in the middle of the road blocked the traffic from coming out and going in.

Posted on October 10th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a giantess coming into a room when all of a sudden she sees a tiny man standing on the desk in front of her. When the tiny man explains who he is the giantess faints and becomes unconscious. While the giantess is knocked out the tiny man takes this advantage to explore the body of the giantess. When the tiny man explores the giantess she starts to wake up. When she is fully awake a few men come in and starts to chase her but the tiny man manages to lure her into a getaway car. Once the giantess and tiny man are on the road he begins to tell her who he is. Once he is done explaining he asks her to help him. After a few minutes the giantess accepts his offer.
You can watch this video here Detective Conan giantess.
Posted on October 9th, 2013
When ever a giantess gets bored she can get a bit destructive so to combat the boardem the tiny people of a nearby city decided to lure her out to sea and let her relax in the water but as the giantess began to relax she saw a ship sail past her. The giantess had mixed emotions about the ship that sailed past her. On one hand she was a bit curious as she had never seen a wooden ship before but she was also a bit annoyed as she was just about to relax when the ship sailed by. The giantess decided to go and see if there was any one on board that she could play with because the ship was a bit fragile and would be less fun for a giantess to play with.

Posted in Pictures
Tagged as: giantess, nude, ocean
Posted on October 8th, 2013
Good time keeping isn’t necessary for a giantess but it does help as some giantesses prefer to have fun during the day and others prefer to come out when the night comes but when you are as big as a building it can be hard and a giantess can’t ask anyone as there is a good chance that the tiny person will run away from her. This giantess had just come to town and when she wanted to know the time it wwas hard to ask anyone as most of the tiny city had been evacuated. Fortunately the giantess had come to a town with a clock tower si without a doubt she made her to the clock tower. Once she was happy knowing it was there she decided to stick around for a bit but she kept very close t the tower.

Posted on October 7th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a strange creature visiting a young girl. The creature explains who it is and why it is here. Once the creature finishes explaining a bit a bit it’s self the girl becomes angry and starts to turn into a giantess and starts to destroy and crush anything and anyone in her path. The giantess then comes across a house and when she opens up the house she sees two tiny creatures living there. The giantess begs the creatures to help her but the creatures refuse causing the giantess to becomes enraged and she destroys the building. The giantess then focuses on crushing the tiny people who try and help her even if it mean’t them attacking her to do it.
You can watch this video here ONEGAI MELODY Giantess episode thing.
Posted on October 6th, 2013
Not all giantess like cars as they find them way too easy to catch but on the other hand a giantess will try and catch the odd plane that flies over the city as they are more of a challenge for the giantess to catch. When this giantess entered the city she was stuck for choice about what things to pick as there was a lot but when she was about to choose a car she noticed that three planes had flew by, The giantess quickly lost interest in the car and turned her attention on the three planes flying over head. The giantess was stuck for choice on the planes she could catch as they were quite a distance away. Just then one plane decided to fly too close to the giantess and the giantess knew that was the plane she wanted.

Posted on October 5th, 2013
When a giantess arrive in a city she sometimes will have a tiny person she needs to find but that can be easier said then done as the tiny person the giantess wants won’t normally come out from their hiding place so the giantess will always have to go to them rather then them coming to her. This giantess was quite lucky as she had found the tiny man she was looking for quite quickly and he was on one of the balconies of a building and couldn’t get away from her even if he tried. The giantess took this oppotunity and went up to the tiny man. The tiny man just stood there unable to move or say anything because he was mesmerized by the movements of the giantess. Happy that the tiny man couldn’t move the giantess decided to have a little fun with him.

Posted on October 4th, 2013
If there is one thing a giantess loves it is being told how great she looks and when that doesn’t happen she can get quite mean and destroy anything in her path without a care for what it would do for the poor tiny people who lived in the city bellow, This giantess had just brought a outfit and she was so excited she just had to show it off to the nearest city she could find to see what they thought of it. The giantess was surprised when she found the town had already been evacuated. The giantess was very disappointed that there was nobody there but just as she was about to leave she noticed that several tiny people were trying ever so hard to climb the rope that she had tied to her finger in hopes to have a chance to touch her since they had never seen a giantess before.

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!