Posted on February 22nd, 2013
When destroying buildings some giantesses will go off and leave the surviving tiny people to fend for themselves and rebuild their city other giantesses are so gentle that they try their hardest not to destroy anything but sometimes accidents will happen and a giantess will destroy a building or two. This giantess has accidentally destroyed part of a building but instead of worrying she has offered to help rebuild the wrecked building. She couldn’t actually mend the building herself because her hands would be too big and she would only make it worse but she has helped by lifting the builders to the building and she has also passed a few timber frames when needed. The children of the village took the opportunity to play with her as she enjoyed playing the the children but the adults are a bit worried for the kids safety.

Posted on February 21st, 2013
This video on youtube shows tiny people getting on with their day to day lives when all of a sudden a giant shoe appears belonging to a giantess. The giantess then finds a tiny man by his car and crushes him with her shoe and then crushes his car with her heel. Once the tiny man was crushed she took off her shoes and uses her toes to move her shoes out the way. When the giantess had taken off her shoes she finds another tiny man and uses her foot to play with his tiny car before crushing the little man under her foot. After she crushes a little man by a table she comes across a tiny couple and crushes them and plays with their car.
You can watch this video here Giantess In Paris
Posted on February 20th, 2013
A man was out for his normal routine when all of a sudden he saw a giantess sitting behind a building. She wasn’t that close to his house as she had her feet stretched out and they came to just behind his house. The tiny man decided to take a picture of her. Once he did he noticed there was several climbers that were on top of her toes. One unfortunate climber however had fell off her foot while two of the climbers marveled at the view they got from her toes but the third climber tried to help their friend but was too slow as the fourth climber fell off her toes.

Posted on February 19th, 2013
When a giantess is in town it can be very dangerous for the tiny people who live there. Most tiny people get out of there as fast as they could but there are a few who stay behind some are so scared they are unable to move but others just want a better look at the giantess and therefore run the risk of getting crushed. This giantess had warned the tiny people to get out of town while they still could but a few of them didn’t listen. Secretly the giantess was quite pleased as destroying a city is no fun if there are no tiny people to crush along the way. The tiny people who were left couldn’t get away fast enough as the giant foot came down and crushed the tiny people underfoot.

Posted on February 18th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a man flying to an island on a small aircraft. When he arrives he finds a skeleton of a dinosaur that is when he looks down and sees he is standing in a giant footprint. A second dinosaur sneaks up on him and takes him by surprise but a giantess comes up behind the dinosaur and takes it on before stomping on it. Once the giantess kills the dinosaur she spots the tiny man and grabs him before he has a chance to run. The tiny man is scared but the giantess only wants to make sure he is alright before she takes him back to her home. When he wakes up the giantess is fast asleep so he takes his chance to escape but encounters another dinosaur. The giantess wakes up to find her tiny man being attack by the dinosaur so she stomps in it. The giantess then takes the tiny man to bed with her so she knows he is safe.
You can watch this video here Giantess Queen Konga
Posted on February 17th, 2013
When a giantess captures a tiny man she has to decide where to put him without the tiny getting crushed. She can’t hold him as she may squeeze him to hard and crush him by mistake. Another place she can’t put him is in her pocket as she either has no pockets because her clothes are ripped or she wants to keep an eye on the tiny man to make sure he doesn’t escape her or get into trouble. This giantess has decided to put her tiny man in her breasts as she can see him and he can’t escape her. On the brightside he does have a nice view of the world infront of him and he is safe from harm.

Posted on February 16th, 2013
Every now and then a giantess loves nothing more then to relax by have a nice bath but because of their size it can be tricky and they have to go to either lakes or the ocean to relax. This giantess was enjoying a nice warm bath when a row boat drifted her way. The row boat was empty as the sailors had already jumped overboard and swam away. The giantess didn’t mind as now had something to play with while she relaxed. She was a little disappoint as the boat was empty but she did remain hopeful that who ever lost the boat would come back to get it.

Posted on February 15th, 2013
After a walk through the city a giantess thought it was time to visit a old friend she knew from when she was normal size. She was worried though as she hadn’t seen him since she was normal sized and she didn’t know how’d he react to her being giant-sized. The tiny man, however was a bit scared at first but soon alright with it as he knew that she was really gentle and wouldn’t hurt or destroy anyone or anything on purpose. The giantess then picked up the tiny man and took him with her as she sat on top of a building the first thing she did was greet him with a big kiss.

Mega giantess Scarlet takes time out from her pleasure seeking to see an old fan and greets him with a kiss while she sits on a building for a rest.
Posted on February 14th, 2013
After a long wait, J Yubari and the team at giantess fan proudly present Goddess ADBC 2 the second installment to one of giantess fan’s first comics . If you enjoyed reading Goddess ADBC 1 you are bound to love this issue of Goddess ADBC. In the second installment we see Goddess Lisa travel to Sparta and get revenge on behalf of the Athenian people. The main difference in this issue is that it is drawn by a different artist to the first issue and this issue has be more more kinkier then the first issue. I personally love this issue as it has various giantess crushes in as well as being set in the the distant past.

Tags: foot crush, ass crush, mega,gts, insertion
In return for the offerings given to her by the Athenian people, Goddess Lisa travels to Sparta to exact revenge through the power of her feet and ass
Become a member of Giantess Fan and download Goddess ADBC 2 today.
Posted on February 13th, 2013
For a giantess trains are good as they contain alot of tiny people to eat or entertain them. The long the train the more interesting they are to a giantess as they have more tiny people in it. The problem is catching it as they can be really fast but catching them can be easy if done right as they travel along tracks. The giantess will also have to get the tiny people out by either breaking the train in half or ripping the roof off the train. This giantess has managed to catch and open the train with ease and is now faced with the problem of which tiny person to eat first. The tiny people on the train have nowhere to go as it is a long drop between them and the ground.

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!