Posted on October 25th, 2009
What a beautiful sunny day! Everything gets you to think about the happiest moments of your life. This is what our cute giantess is doing, too.
This is maybe one of the last sunny days of the summer and then it comes the rainy fall. Nothing can stop you from thinking about the past summer holiday and everything that has happened to you.
A new boyfriend, a new love, new friends… All these bring lots of happiness in your life. This is what a single sunny day can make you dream of…
Posted in Pictures
Tagged as: teen giantess
Posted on October 24th, 2009
This is one unusual story. A sexy giantess and a tiny man meet at the local cafe. In spite of wanting to torture the little man our huge chick immediately fell in love. She forgot everything about her passion for eating people.
At first the tiny man was a bit scared , wondering what will happen to him. However, after a while he discovered that this giantess is different from the others. She’s not cruel at all and she has no bad intentions. Then he fell in love with her, too.
The development is clear – they become a strange couple, but this didn’t affect their love. Even now, they still love and protect each other. This is what everyone would like to go through.
Posted in Pictures
Tagged as: 3d modeling
Posted on October 23rd, 2009

Tiny people have landed on Giantess Planet. Gosh, what were they thinking going on this planet. It is just too dangerous for them.
Little people are titbits for giantess. So rare and so delicious… There’s no wonder what will happen to them. They all will be caught and maybe the giant people will have fun with them, and then eat them.
Don’t be misled by her cute appearance. She’ll do everything to get you and eat you. So be careful and don’t make their mistake to go to such a planet, no matter how curious you are.
Posted on October 22nd, 2009
Wow, we have a really wild giantess. She has been out all night partying. The tiny people were so fascinated by her that they want her on the dancefloor a little more. Who wouldn’t want such a sexy giantess?
But she is in a hurry to leave because her hubby is waiting for her. No matter how hard little people are begging her to stay, she doesn’t want to hear them. She must get around them and get home.
So what other choice she has except for stepping on them? If they don’t want to leave, she’ll go through them. That’s the risk in worshiping a giantess.
Posted on October 21st, 2009
Here we go again with a really hungry giantess. She hasn’t eaten maybe for days so now when she sees a delicious sandwich, she is not careful what exactly she is eating.
Poor tiny man. Even if he screams, our sexy giantess won’t hear him. She’s too busy enjoying her food after a long time of starving.
I’m sure that this little person will make the sandwich tastier than everyone has imagined. It will be crunchier and more nutritious for sure…
Posted on October 20th, 2009

Our giantess has only one wish – to travel into time and space. Fortunately, a wise professor helped her dream to become true. A special machine helped her go many years ahead. And what she discovered…
A whole new city which she never thought it would exist. And the more surprising thing was the people who lived there. They were so many and so little…
The cute giantess was overhelmed by this fact. She couldn’t find a way not to step on these tiny creatures. She was really mad that she got her shoes dirty. Maybe now she regrets that she has travelled into time.
Posted in Comics
Tagged as: giantess crush
Posted on October 19th, 2009

I believe that if you want to see a really hungry giantess, this is the one to choose.
Maybe she hasn’t eaten for days and now the golden opportunity finally came to her. Probably some delicious tiny man ready to sacrifice his life in order to satisfy his goddess.
I’m sure that of all the things to see before one died, that wouldn’t be the worst. Not that I have a death wish or anything. But this is maybe the most suitable reason to lose your life – to do good for other creatures.
Posted on October 18th, 2009

The tiny man is in trouble! Giantess Alyssa is hungry and she wants to have something to eat.
While she was wondering what food she can get for herself, the tiny man passed by her, looking at her curiously. This is what drew Alyssa’s attention. He shouldn’t have done this. Now his life is in trouble.
Starving Alyssa finally dound something right for her and she’ll do anything to get it. I guess it won’t be hard at all for her. After all, you can’t escape from a hungry giantess.
Posted in Pictures
Tagged as: collage, male pet
Posted on October 17th, 2009

Looks like our beautiful giantess Alyssa has just got her nails done. I must say that whoever did it, he did a lovely job.
Now Alyssa is too fascinated by her nails to notice that she has stepped on some tiny human. Poor person, he can’t find a way to escape. Probably he will die but he can’t do anything about this.
I hope Alyssa soon get used to her lovely nails and have some time to look what is under her foot. Maybe this is the only way the tiny person not to lose his life.
Posted in Pictures
Tagged as: giantess crush
Posted on October 16th, 2009

Probably our cute giantess has escaped from her home. How stupid of her not knowing where she will go. All alone in such a big city, it’s not easy to survive. Fortunately, our girl is big enough to handle the things.
Tiny people should be precatious when they see her. She has no idea where she’s heading to and she’s in panic. She doesn’t care if she will step on someone. The only things she wants is to find some food and shelter.
I wonder if she’ll manage to do that before someone gets hurt.
Posted in Pictures
Tagged as: anime, in the city

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!