Posted on March 24th, 2013
Every giantess secretly dreams of one day holding the world in the palm of their hands but only a very few actually go through with it as they are either gentle and only want to help the tiny people or they just love to see the looks on their victim’s faces as they watch her destroy their tiny city. This giantess wasn’t satisfied with the height she was and wanted to be bigger then everything in the world. The problem was that she was already was the biggest thing in the world so there wasn’t really anything to compare her size too. Then she remembered the biggest thing in the world was the world itself and if she could grow to be bigger ten the world she would have ultimate power but since she didn’t know how she grew in the first place she didn’t know how to grow again. The next thing she saw was a round object that looked like the earth in her hands she didn’t know how she did it nor did she care as she was too busy enjoying the new power she had and now all she needed to do is to think about what to do with all this power.

Posted in General, Pictures
Tagged as: anime, giga-gts
Posted on March 23rd, 2013
If there is one thing a princess loves to do is to roam around her kingdom making sure things are all in order but there are a few towns that cause problems for her. This town has just build a tower that towers over the other houses surrounding it. When the giantess approached it she is unhappy and demanded that they knocked it down at once. The townspeople refuse to take their tower as they had spent ages getting it how they like it. The giant princess is in shock that once of her towns would refuse to listen to her so she decided to give them a warning either their tower goes or their town does. See the tower still standing the giant princess assumes that they refused to do what she suggested so she takes of her shoe and hovers her foot over the tiny town ready to crush it until there is nothing left.

Posted on March 22nd, 2013
If there is one thing a giantess hates it is people staring at her when she wants to be alone. This giantess was exploring the city she decided she wanted to have a sit and rest so she looked for a nice place to sit down but looking for a nice place was hard as no bench would take her weight and she was too big to fit into a cafe or restaurant so she decided to sit on the street as it was the only place she could sit. Most people that went past her avoided her but there was one brave man who actually came up to her to have a closer look. The giantess however, just wanted to be left alone but the tiny man just wouldn’t go away. She thought about crushing him under her foot but that would be messy and she didn’t like to get her feet dirty so she decided she would use her shoe to crush him. Before she did however she asked him nicely to go away but when he wouldn’t she decided to go ahead and crush him with her shoe.

Posted on March 21st, 2013
This video on youtube shows two girls starting to grow. Unfortunately their clothes don’t grow with them so they have to find clothes that will fit them before they do anything else. Once they find some clothes to wear the two giantesses begin to rampage throughout the city. They start by stepping on a group of tiny people using their toes before looking for more tiny people to torment. Once they find what they were looking for one of the giantesses picks up a tiny man and puts him onto her tongue. The other giantess begins to laugh at the tiny man on her friend’s tongue just before he gets eaten. As their rampage continues they start looking inside windows and picking out tiny people from their homes and eating them The army is then on the scene ready to take on the two giantesses. The giantesses starts to take on the army by blowing some of them away and crushing the one that are left with their feet. Once the army is taken care of the two giantesses carry on their rampage but this time they use different parts of their body such as their hands, their butt and their breasts and once they feel like they’ve had enough they move on to another city leaving only 3 building left standing.
You can watch this video here Super Colossal Latinas
Posted on March 20th, 2013
Having a nice wash should be relaxing but when a growth spurt occurs half way through it can get a bit stressful and tiny bit embarrassing especially if the giantess isn’t alone. A girl was in the middle of having a wash when all of a sudden she started to grow. Lucky for her there was only one other person in the room so she called him for help. The now tiny man has heard the cry for help and looked behind him and what he saw gave him a huge fright. After the giantess reassured him that she wasn’t going to hurt him he knew he had to help her out but she was blocking the only exit and the only way for them to get out is if she lifted him out but that mean’t her breaking something which was something she never thought of doing but she was willing to give it a try.

Posted on March 19th, 2013
After playing sports a girl can get very hot and sweaty but that doesn’t stop things from climbing into her shoes as three tiny men found out as they ventured into her shoes just to deliver a love letter but when they had done the delivery found out that it wasn’t so easy to get out of her shoes then it was to get in. When she came back to her locker she got out her shoes and was about to put them on when she saw the little men trying to climb out of her shoes. The tiny men did their best to explain what happened but because they were so small she couldn’t hear them very well. The giantess didn’t notice the letter that was in her shoe as she was more interested in the tiny men trying to climb out. At first she thought about taking them out but then she wondered what tiny men felt like under her feet and now she had the opportunity to find out. The tiny men struggled to get out as they knew she wasn’t going to take them out of her shoes by the look on her face.

Posted on March 18th, 2013
This video on youtube shows three men going about their daily lives when all of a sudden they vanish into thin air. The next thing they see is a giantess who then explains the rules of her game show to them. After she explains the game can begin. The objective for the three tiny men is to say alive as three giantesses try to crush them. The first giantess tries to crush them using her foot but they are in a protective bubble and after a few attempts she manages to pop he bubble but doesn’t manage to crush the tiny men inside. A second giantess then tries the same thing but the tiny men just push up against her foot lifting it away from them. A third and giantess comes and has a try but this time she is even bigger then the host and once the host gives the green light to go the giantess manages to crush them using her foot. The tiny man try to push her foot away but this time it proves useless as the giantess manages to crush the tiny men and win the game.
You can watch this video here Giantess The game show
Posted on March 17th, 2013
When bathing most giantesses like to be left alone in peace and quiet. There are a few giantesses however, that enjoy the company of the tiny people just as long as they stay where she can see them. One little man however thought it’d be funny to swim bellow the water and see of he could get to the giantess’s butt. The giantess didn’t notice the little man as she was too busy bathing but when she got up she felt something moving in her butt. When she looked behind her she saw the tiny man was trying to get out of her butt. The tiny man was disappointed that he couldn’t get out of her bikini and the giantess was extremely angry that he’d go to her butt without her knowledge. The tiny man thought she was going to take him out but to his surprise she decided to keep him there until she decided he’d had learn’t his lesson.

Posted in Pictures
Tagged as: anime, butt, giantess
Posted on March 16th, 2013
It was a quiet day in the city as you make your way to work but the daily routine of city life was disrupted by a loud crash. You then turn your head to the direction that the crash is coming from but you can’t see the source of the noise because there is a lot of smoke and dust floating around. When the smoke clears you see that a giant girl as wondered into the city and is now on a rampage. You try to run away as the giantess comes in your direction and as the giantess gets closer you try to run for a building but there are so many people running the same way as you it can be hard to get anywhere because the crowd is pushing you back towards the giantess. Unfortunately for you the giantess singles you out. You expect the giantess to crush you straight away but when you see the giantess standing there you think you will get to live but your hopes are dashed as the giantess lifts and lowers her foot down towards you and before you know it she has brought her foot down with a mighty crash right on top of you crushing you instantly.

Posted on March 15th, 2013
In the middle of a dark jungle an oni girl is fast asleep when all of a sudden she is woken up by a noise outside. The noise is made by a tiny man trying to make his escape with some of her things. The giantess spots the little man and makes her way to knockout the little thief before he can get away. When the tiny thief wakes up he sees the giantess looking down at him and before he can get a chance to run away again she suddenly picks him up. Having just woken up. the giantess becomes really thirsty and then she puts the tiny thief in her drink and drinks both her drink and the little man in one gulp and once she is full she goes back to sleep knowing the little man won’t be getting away.

The large oni girl is sleeping in her section of the jungle and her spiked club, gourd, and sake dish are next to her. She then notices a rustling in the bushes. A man carrying a bag of valuables is sneaking away from the forest ruins that they came from. The oni girl wakes up and is in a grouchy mood. She swings her club at the thief’s head and he is knocked out. A few minutes later he wakes up to see the towering girl looking down at him. He notices she is much larger than he remembered when he first saw her. He notices a large tan hill behind him… he recalls this is a flat forest with no hills. It is his sack and a few coins and a jewel encrusted dagger’s hilt are coming out of the bag. The coin is about the size he is. He is suddenly picked up by the now Gargantuan Oni and brought up to her face. ‘You really shouldn’t have done that, today.’ She is talking in a slight slur, and isn’t talking loud, but to the thief, it very very loud. ‘But now that I’m up,’ she says with a sinister grin. ‘I think I’ll have a drink.’ She grabs her sake dish and drops the little troublemaker into it. She then grabs her gourd and starts pouring sake into the dish. The little man is drenched then, in another moment, waist deep in the sake. In no time at all, he is swimming to the top of the sake pool. The large dish is lifted and is brought to the oni’s lips. She starts drinking the sake and tilts the dish as she drinks. The man fears what will happen if he doesn’t do something soon, so he swims away from the cave of a mouth that show up and seals his doom. But she drinks too fast. He has little to no chance to keep up with her drinking. He finally is next to her lips and a few moments later inside her mouth. He goes down as easily as the sake she is drinking. She finishes the large dish of sake and sets it down next to her gourd and falls back to the ground. She pokes her belly, ‘Having fun in there? I hope you didn’t drown because I like my ‘visitors’ to struggle in my belly.’ Feeling tipsy and aroused by the drink and the tiny man banging against her stomach walls, she falls back asleep.

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!