Posted on August 20th, 2013
When a giantess arrives in a city she is always amazed on how many people live there.Some giantesses however think there are too many tiny people living in the city and try to crush them under various parts of her body. Luckily for the tiny people of this city the giantess that had arrived had no intention of crushing anyone this mean’t the tiny people could live their lives around her. This got the giantess really interested as she thought it was odd that there were people living in a tiny city such as this one. Not wanting to destroy the city the giantess moved as carefully as she could to get to a safe place and as she moved through the city she noticed that some tiny people had stopped to look at her as she moved across the city being very careful not to step on anything.

Posted on August 19th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a man going out for a drive when all of a sudden he notices a girl in the distance behind him. As the girl came closer the man noticed that she wasn’t a girl at all she was a giantess and she was getting closer. The tiny man tried to drive away as fast as he could but the giantess stopped his car using just the back of her foot. Once she was happy that the tiny man was stopped she could finally play with him using her feet. The giantess started by putting one of her feet on top of the tiny car and started to push it around the floor until the car because stuck to her foot. When the giantess lifted her foot she found that the car was stuck tight so she decided to use her hands to remove it and then she sat down. Once she was comfy she decided to slowly crush the car between her feet. The tiny man tried to climb out but he wasn’t fast enough and ended up being crush along with his car.
You can watch this video here GIANTESS Car Crusher
Posted on August 18th, 2013
When a giantess plans to meet a friend she really picks some interesting places to meet people even if the person she is meeting is way smaller then she is. This giantess had come to the city hoping to meet a tiny man but when he didn’t show she decided to stick around and play with the passers by until he showed up. The giantess was having so much fun playing with her new toys that she didn’t know that she had accidently pinned her friend under her foot. Fortunately for the tiny man the giantess has just pinned him down but with the amount of pressure he was receiving from her foot he knew that he wouldn’t last very long unless he could get her attention some how. After the tiny man screamed and hit her foot a few times the giantess noticed him but because she had gotten herself comfortable she refused to move her foot and added more pressure to the tiny man until he could take no more and was crushed under her foot.

Posted on August 17th, 2013
Giantess just loves some time alone to enjoy her little man weither they are humiliating them or letting then have free reign on her body but when someone disrupts their fun then things an go two ways. If the giantess is evil she will not only humiliate the tiny man she capture but will crush the tiny person who disrupted her but if she is gentle the giantess will either tell the tiny person to leave or she will ask the tiny person to join her in her fun. This giantess had just captured a tiny man and now was sitting in a nice quite spot in a nearby forest. The giantess made herself comfortable as she asked the tiny man she captured to explore her body. The tiny man didn’t have to be told twice as he slowly made his way to her feet. When he got half way up her legs both the tiny man and the giantess were disrupted by a strange rustling noise from the bushes. The giantess and the tiny man could only watch as the rustling noise became louder as what ever was watching them came closer.

Posted on August 16th, 2013
On the outside a girl may seen nice but inside there is a giantess and when she has the means and technology to do so she won’t hesitate to do so. While out on an errand you encounter an young girl. The girl seems nice enough but you feel like something about her is a little off but you just shrug off that feeling and go and see if she is all right. You instantly regret your decision as the next thing you know she has pointed some kind of ray gun at you and you find yourself 2 inches tall. The girl seems disappointed with how the shrinking went as she wanted you to be a bit bigger then to inches. Since the ray gun only shrinks things the giantess decided to crush you under her foot but before she does that she decided to take her shoe off. You wanted to run but you were so scared that your body simply froze as her foot came crashing down on you.

Posted on August 15th, 2013
This video on youtube shows a girl going outside when all of a sudden she sees a group of tiny men. At first the giantess has trouble seeing the tiny men in front of her. When the giantess kneels down she can see that there is not one tiny man but a whole group of tiny men. The giantess decides to take her shoes off and crush the tiny people under her toes. When the giantess puts her foot down she misses as all the tiny men had ran in different directions which makes crushing the tiny men really fun for her so without having to stand up the giantess starts by crushing the tiny men who ran towards he one by one untill she has crushed all the tiny men and only then can she get on with her day.
You can watch this video here Shrunken School Project Pests FX
Posted on August 14th, 2013
J Yubari and the team at Giantess Fan proudly present Bigger Then This. This comic is about a girl called Eli who feels insecure around others until she finds a magic talisman and carelessly makes a wish that she was big but unfortunately for her this magic is chaotic and she ends up growing until she was the biggest thing on earth. This comic will appeal to those who like growth and destruction. This comic also features giga giantess.I like the art of this comic especially when she becomes a giga giantess.

Elli Booth is given a chaos magic talisman and makes a careless wish to be “bigger than this.” Because the magic is chaotic, and is designed to keep her alive as an agent of chaos as a result of her wish, she keeps experiencing growth surges, making her progressively bigger than various things … and bigger … and bigger.
Become a member of Giantess Fan and download Bigger Than This and other great comics today.
Posted on August 13th, 2013
Not all girls grow due to negative emotion some girls become grow in order to protect and care for a tiny person. All this girl wanted to do was protect her boyfriend but since she was smaller then he was she knew that she couldn’t protect him. One day he started to shrink. This was the perfect opportunity to show her shrunken boyfriend that she could take care of him since before he shrank he always took care of her and since he couldn’t take care of her any more she decided it was time to return the favour and take care of him whether he likes it or not. When the tiny man first saw her he was nervous as he didn’t know what her plans for him was but when the giantess hugged him against her chest he decided to go along with it and hugged her back and let her look after him.

Posted on August 12th, 2013
This video on youtube shows you as a tiny person who had just wound up inside what looked like a giant house. You didn’t have to wait long as a giantess had just found you. At first the giantess thought you were a bug and just as she was about to squash you with her shoe she looks a little closer and as she does she can see that you are in fact a tiny person. The giantess is amazed as she had never seen a tiny person before and before long she picks you up and thinks about what to do with you since you are so small. At first she thinks about eating you as she lowers you down to her stomach so you can see where you will end up but to your surprise she decides not to eat you just yet. The giantess lowers you to the floor and plays with you with her foot until she gets board and finally eats you.
You can watch this video here Giantess Emily Finds A Tiny
Posted on August 11th, 2013
When a giantess catches a tiny man she will sometimes eat him and when she does she likes to eat him slowly as it is more fun if she takes her time in eating her tiny man. When this giantess caught a tiny man she couldn’t decide what to do with him that was until she started to feel a bit hungry. The giantess looked around and there was no other source of food and because of that she decided to see what the tiny man tasted like as she had never tasted a tiny person before. The giantess thought about eating him in one gulp but then she thought what would be the fun in that so she very careful lifted the poor tiny man over her mouth and then slowly lowered him in to her mouth so he could be tasted.

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!