Posted on October 25th, 2012
It was a normal in the city as people were going about their day to day lives but then something strange happened. A scientist was working on a portal to view that past and it was now ready for testing. The portal worked great and the scientist was pleased with the result but there was a problem. Just as he was ready to deactivate the portal something appeared to be coming through the portal it was a giantess but this giantess looked like she had just came from the 1950’s as she was wearing 50’s style clothing. The scientist was eager to study this 50’s giantess a bit more but the giantess was more interested in exploring this city which was so different from the city she knew all to well.

Posted on October 24th, 2012
While having a fun time at the beach a girl stumbles across a tiny who apparently is in desperate need of help. The giantess is so excited that she can’t resist picking him up and showing him off to other people at the beach. The tiny however thinks that she is misunderstanding him and that he wants help and not to be showed off to everyone that is on the beach. The problem now is weither she should take the tiny home and make him her pet or dispose of him now but until then she is having so much fun just showing him off to people that come to the beach much to the tiny man’s horror.

Posted on October 23rd, 2012
A Giantess is minding her own business when she spots what looks like a bug but this bug doesn’t look like any bug she has seen before so she picks up the tiny creature and decides to take a close look. On closer inspection she finds out it is a tiny woman. The tiny woman however isn’t afraid of her. The giantess expects the tiny girl to be afraid of her but it is quite the opposite as the tiny woman is curious about her giant captor and her plans on what she is going to do to her. The tiny woman and the giantess soon form a bond that only a giantess and a tiny can form and after that encounter a friendship is created between giantess and tiny.

Posted on October 22nd, 2012
Having Just picked up a tiny man, this giantess just had to find a way to stop him from screaming. She tries telling him to be quiet and it worked but after a short while he started screaming again so she had to find a new way to silence him as simply telling him to be quiet can only work for so long before it starts to lose effect. The tiny man has no idea about what this giantess is gonna do to him she claims she doesn’t want to harm him but little does he know that the giantess is saying that she isn’t going to hurt him just to make him be quiet but in reality she has big plans for him. If she doesn’t silence him soon he is gonna leave her with two options. She will silence him herself or put him in a place where she won’t be bothered at all by his screaming.

Posted on October 21st, 2012
After the fall of the giantess the tinies in the neighboring town thought she was down for good. The Giantess however was down but she most certainly was not out but because she was top heavy she was unable to get up. She wanted to show that she could still do some damage but she could only rely use her fists as she was unable to turn around to use her feet. The Giantess in a fit of rage, took a well aimed swipe at the tiny town which hit it’s mark as a few of the buildings where crushed as a result of the massive blow. She continued to teach the tiny town a lesson by smashing it with the fearsome blows of her hand.

Posted on October 20th, 2012
Clumsiness isn’t just restricted to tines in fact giantesses are clumsy too and when a giantess becomes clumsy it can lead to some major destruction. This Giantess has suffered a terrible fall ,when i say terrible i mean not so terrible for her but for the town that cushioned her fall the result was a catastrophic. Nobody knew where she came from or how she ended up falling but one thing is for sure where there was once a peaceful town now lies a a pile of rubble and it is all thanks to her.

Posted on October 19th, 2012
Having outgrown her local gym, the giantess had to find some other means of getting her daily gym exercise and in such as big city there is no short of buildings in which she could use as exercise equipment. While she was exercising with a pair of Dumbbells, and destroying a few building along the way, when a group of helicopters flew in to take a look at the action going on in their city. The Giantess must have thought that these helicopters came looking for something to film for the news as the news that day was slow. She then gives them a news story that will shock the world. After a while she becomes annoyed and wishes the helicopters would go away and leave her to exercise without them bothering her.

Posted in Pictures
Tagged as: City, giantess fan
Posted on October 18th, 2012
While feasting on a building full of tiny people the giant fox girl only just notices that there are a few escapees running around. Thinking that the giantess hasn’t noticed their escape the few remaining tinies try to get as far away from her as they could possibly get. The giant fox girl unfortunately notices the group of tinies and stops what she was doing and her attention focuses on them as they run for their lives. Little do they know they won’t get very far with her about.
Posted on October 17th, 2012
While on her travels this giantess has decided to make a rest stop in a small town. Fortunately for her this town isn’t short of tiny people in which she could torture and/or eat. She is about to eat one of the tinies when he makes protest to let him go but she doesn’t give much of a choice in the matter. The other tinies however try to struggle under her massive foot as they know that soon they will end up like the tiny she is about to eat. This does nothing to change her mind as she continues her. The building however make a lovely backrest to lean against and foot stool for her aching bloodstained feet as she continues to eat and tortures the tiny town. 
Posted on October 15th, 2012
J Yubari has come out with a brand new comic on Check it out below

Synopsis: The kingdom of Balvadore holds its first parade honoring Gwendolyn, the kingdom’s first and only giantess.
Tags: giantess, gentle, crush, vore
>>> Download this comic here

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!