Posted on November 4th, 2012
It was a extremely hot day when two friends came to their local beach. The two friends had brought a bottle of water as well as a picnic to eat on the beach after a good meal the girls decided to have a drink of water and they where almost finished when one of the girls noticed something in her drinking bottle. What ever was in the bottle didn’t look like anything she saw before so she drank a bit more water. The girl soon discovered that a tiny man somehow got trapped in the bottle she was drinking from and if she hadn’t had drunk as much water as she did the tiny man would have drowned. The Problem now was how she was going to get the man out of the bottle.

Posted on November 3rd, 2012
After she shrunk her friend the giantess wanted to make sure the tiny was a comfortable as possible but instead of putting the tiny in a cage she put her in an old dollhouse. The dollhouse was full with all the things the tiny could use to make herself comfortable it had a bed for the tiny to sleep on, a TV so the tiny had something to watch and a mini desk with a PC. After a while the giantess came back to check on the tiny but what she found was that the tiny had left the dollhouse in a mess. The giantess lifted off the roof of the dollhouse and plucked out the tiny and moved her to a different container so she could clean out the dollhouse.

Posted on November 2nd, 2012
While on a cheer rally for their high school cheer leading rally a young high school cheer leader stumbled on a growth ray She didn’t know where it came from or who it belonged to but the cheer leader decided to try it out for herself. Just as soon as she pulled the trigger she grew to become 50 feet tall. After she grew she caused quite the commotion among the other cheer leaders and baseball players. She decided to let her friends have a try as she aimed the growth ray at one of the cheer leaders and in a flash she cheer leader grew to the exact same height as she was. The two giantesses decided to have a contest to decide who can get the biggest.

Posted on November 1st, 2012
After and experiment had gone wrong one of the female agent’s height doubled from a small 5 foot tall to a massive 10 feet tall. The base was big enough to fit her though so her boss didn’t need to worry about moving her to another location but her new height came with problem. Before the accident she used to inspect the agent’s weapons for any malfunctions or bugs but now at her new height the weapons are far too small to check ever little detail so she was promoted to field work and had weapons made so that she could use them but ever once in a while she just can’t resist checking the weapons of fellow agents just to make sure they work properly.

Posted on October 31st, 2012
On the night of Halloween the people of the city was out trick or treating each in their own costume and getting candy fro different houses. The night was still young when 2 vampires arrived but these where no ordinary vampires oh no these where giant vampires who needed the life force of humans to survive and in a city full of humans this was about to be a good night for the two vampire giantesses. The had just chosen their first when the S.W.A.T team started firing at them. Their weapons however didn’t have any effect against the giantesses as the giantesses stomped on a few and continued to eat their tiny victim like a Halloween treat. This Halloween was about to get interesting for the giantesses but a nightmare for everyone around them.

Posted on October 30th, 2012
After rampaging the city, the giantess had successfully cleared everyone out and destroyed her fair share of building along the way. One brave tiny man decided enough was enough and tried to stand up to the rampaging giantess. The tiny man must have had a death wish as moments later a giant hand came out and tried to grab him. The giantess was angry that one tiny had survived her rampage but instead of throwing herself into another she decided to reach out and deal with him herself. The little man however was regretting standing up to the giant girl as him mind as racing with thoughts of being crushed or eaten by this giantess. The giantess’s real intention was to make him her little pet and maybe has some fun with him.

Posted in Pictures
Tagged as: anime, City, giantess
Posted on October 29th, 2012
Life was once peaceful in the local village as the inhabitants went about their daily duties but that peace was about to be disrupted by something big. A lone traveler came one day and started shrinking everything and everyone she could find as had the power to shrink people just by looking at them. The now shrunken people did their best to fight her and defend their city but even with all their might it still wasn’t enough as one of the tiny women got captured by the giantess and the last of the normal sized people got shrunk. The giantess now wonders what to do with her shrunken captive as she knew her friends would be coming to rescue her and she would be ready and waiting for their arrival.

Posted on October 28th, 2012
J Yubari and the team at Giantess Fan have released a new comic. Power Patrol: Chemical Retraction is a comic that insted of focusing on Giantess theme or shrunken man theme focuses on the shrunken woman theme. If you enjoyed the first issue of Power Patrol or just enjoy comics about shrunken women i’m sure you will enjoy this issue of Power Patrol.

Synopsis: She-Beast finds herself in a precarious situation brought on by random ‘shrinking spurts,’ causing her to change how she views the world around her.
Download Power Partrol: Chemical Retraction and others at
Posted on October 27th, 2012
All the giantess wanted to do is to have a nice relaxing day at the beach but now a bunch of tinnies have gather around her. The tiny people where having fun riding on her feet like a surf board, getting a good vantage point from her butt, riding on her shoulder and even sunbathing next to her. The tinnies fun was suddenly disrupted as a policeman ordered the giantess to move as the beach didn’t cater for giantesses. She wasn’t hurting anyone and didn’t mind the tinnies having their fun but what annoyed her the most was the policeman ordering her to move. A bit disappointed the giantess decided to show the policeman that she wasn’t about to go anywhere any time soon.

Posted on October 26th, 2012
After their fateful encounter the giantess and tiny decided to have a little fun. The tiny was surprised when the giantess lowered her foot down towards her. The tiny thought she was gonna be crushed but to her surprise she found herself being wrapped by the toes of the giantess. The Giantess lifted the tiny girl with her feet as the giant foot lifted higher and higher the tiny girl began to fell uneasy but the giantess knew what she was doing and reassured her that she will be fine and to relax. The giantess was enjoying lifting the tiny will her feet. Lifting tinies with the feet was much better then lifting tinies with the hand or so the giantess thought as she continued to hold the tiny with her feet while she thought of what else she could do with her.

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!