Posted on January 3rd, 2013
This video on youtube shows two girls arguing when all of a sudden one of the girls pulls a shrink ray on the other and then she shrinks her. The girl then puts the tiny in her bag and then goes home, When she gets home she puts the tiny girl in a cardboard box. The giantess’s boyfriend comes in and because he slept with her friend she shrinks him and gets ready for her prom. Once she is ready she puts the tiny couple in her shoes and then taunts them with her foot before stepping on them as then going to her prom.
You can watch this video here Giantess get revenge
Posted on January 2nd, 2013
One day a young boy left his house only to find a giantess was fast asleep on the outskirts of the city. The villagers where confused as they didn’t know who she was or how she got there but one thing was certain and that was she wasn’t going to wake up soon and she was blocking the only way in or out of the village. The boy thought about waking her but then he remembered that she maybe angry if she didn’t wake up on her own and would take out her aggression on the village. The village suddenly shook as the giantess let out a yawn which was small to her but big to the village.

Posted in Pictures
Tagged as: anime, sleeping gts
Posted on January 1st, 2013
It was a normal day on earth and everyone was getting on with their lives when all of a sudden a spaceship appeared. No body knew where it came from or why it was here but one thing was for certain that these aliens weren’t friendly. Two giantesses suddenly appeared not giving a second thought about the people who lived and worked on earth. The giantesses wanted to create a new world order in which most of the human race will be wiped out and the survivors would be made into slaves.

For Adam and every other human on earth it was a normal day in spring as suddenly a spaceship appears out of nowhere. Without a second glance at the inhabitants or the city itself the two giantesses get to work of destroying Earth as we know it for a new world order to take place. Can Adam save his family and himself?
Posted on December 31st, 2012
This video on youtube shows a woman working on a computer when all of a sudden she goes in her desk drawer. She then finds herself walking to some sort of building in which she enters a room and in the middle of the room is a bowl with four tiny men in it. She then puts her foot in the bowl and picks out a tiny man with her toes smiling as she does it. She suddenly drops the tiny man and picks up another one in the same way. She then puts the ,am back in the bowl and starts crushing them until they are no more.
You can watch this video here giantess human foot spa.
Posted on December 30th, 2012
You are walking to your next class when all of a sudden you encounter three of the hottest girls in your class. Normally the girls wouldn’t want anything to do with you but this time is different. The girls suddenly ask you to help them with a task but before you could answer you finds yourself 1 inch tall in front of three beautiful giantesses. It turns out that they want to see if a tiny man can survive on the bottom of their foot and they set you a challenge. If you can survive three days under the feet of the giantess without being crushed they will you big again and if not well you will be crushed. They really didn’t give you a choice in the matter as the first giantess lifted her foot over you.

Posted on December 29th, 2012
After a dangerous virus shrunk all the males of the world a shrunken man found his way into the hands of his younger sister. His sister was rather mischievous and would pull pranks on her younger brother and this was becoming more frequent since he shrunk. His sisters most recent prank involved putting him in her mother’s bra. Her mother wasn’t best impressed and before he could explain she put him in her breasts for a time out while his sister was in the background thinking on what she would do to him next.

It is the year 2020, 5 years after the Y-virus first hit. Now, man’s genetic makeup has been permanently altered, causing the average man to stand between 3 and 4 inches. As a result the age of woman has begun. Three-inch Steven hasn’t had the greatest of luck. Time and time again he finds himself in embarrassing situations, most of which are a direct result of a prank by his step-sister Kristen. This time he woke up in the angry grip of his step-mom Janice. What he didn’t know was that she caught him inside one of her gigantic bra cups. Wearing only his boxer briefs, Janice concluded he was up to no good. He got more than he bargained for when she decided the punishment must fit the crime. So he’s going to get time-out mashed between her fat tits while she goes about her day at work. As Janice parts the girls to shove Steven between them, Kristen can barely seem to hold in her laughter. After all, she’s the one who put him in mom’s bra cup. As the saying goes – you snooze, you lose.
Posted on December 28th, 2012
J Yubari and the team at Giantess fan proudly present Giantess A to Z a comic that focuses on the gentle side of the giantess. For those of you who like the gentle giantess this comic doesn’t disappoint as it is about a geeky librarian who gets a hard time by her boss, who grows to be a mini giantess with the help of a spell book and all she wants is a boyfriend who isn’t scared of heights.

When Penelope “Pinch” Finch, a short, shy and sweet young librarian stumbles across a book of spells, curiosity gets the better of her. After accidentally casting a spell on herself, she starts to grow bigger and bigger. Being a nerd is hard enough for a young woman like her, but being a giant nerd is almost too much for her to handle. She longs for someone who’ll understand, ideally someone without a fear of heights.
Tags: Mini-GTS, Gentle, Growth
Become a member now and check out Giantess A To Z and other comics at Giantess Fan
Posted on December 27th, 2012
This video on youtube shows a man wondering if the world would end. Meanwhile just outside of earth a giantess appears. This giantess is bigger then the entire planet and has a yellow glow around her. The man suddenly spots the face of the giantess as she inspects the tiny city and then she licks her lips. The man begs the giantess to spare the planet but she insists on eating the earth.The giantess then proceeds to eat the earth as she then swallows the planet. The giantess then rubs her stomach as the earth is digested.
You can watch this video here 2012 Doomsday Giantess
Posted on December 26th, 2012
It was the day after Christmas and everyone was getting ready for the sales when all of a sudden a giantess appeared. The giantess was a lot smaller then what the tiny people where used to but she seemed to be dressed in a Santa suit carrying a sack full of gifts but she was a day late. The tiny people didn’t have the guts to tell her that in fear of angering the giantess as she gone to so much trouble into making these gifts. The giantess got out the first gift from her sack but the problem was she didn’t know who was to get the first gift.

Posted on December 25th, 2012
Some people may not think it but giantesses love Christmas and this giantess is no exception. She had just finished putting up a Christmas tree when a tiny man showed up which was rare as people would be put off by her size. The tiny man was cold and just wanted somewhere warm to stay and because it was Christmas the giantess took pity on the poor man and offered him a place to stay. It was kind of a relief that the tiny man came as the giantess had to spend most Christmases alone and it was ever so lonely. But before they went to the home of the giantess she wanted the little man to see the tree she decorated using her own two hands.

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!