Posted on March 30th, 2010
Again the story where a giantess and a tiny person become friends. I used to think that this was unlikely to happen, but now it’s becoming more and more common.
The giantess could show him things he would never be able to see. It’s interesting to look at your town from such a height. This is the moment when you realize how small you are!
Posted on March 29th, 2010
What a disaster! The Statue of Liberty suddenly came back to life. She starting moving and destroy everything which was in front of her. Poor people, they were in such panic. What would they do?
Posted on March 28th, 2010
This giantess found accidentally a tiny guy, all alone in the street. She couldn’t bare seeing him so lonely. She knew what was the feeling, as she was feeling in the same way.
She also needed some company. Someone who would understand her, someone who would not be afraid of her. And this guy was this person.
Now they don’t feel lonely anymore. It’s nice to have a friend!
Posted on March 27th, 2010
Though it was fall, the weather was nice. Our sexy giantess couldn’t stand being at home anymore.
She needed to do something exciting, something new. She wanted to visit an unfamiliar place. And Pittsburg was the right one for her.
It had so many tiny building she could crush. And the tiny people were so terrified of her. Our giantess felt in the right place!
Posted in Pictures
Tagged as: giantess crush
Posted on March 26th, 2010
Those tiny pilots are so inattentive. I can’t understand how this sexy and naked giantess got unnoticed.
They hit her so hard in the butt that she started falling. Too bad for the tiny city beneath her!
Posted on March 25th, 2010
Our goddess is everything for us. We should sacrifice for her in order she to be happy and satisfied. It doesn’t matter that we’ll die. In the end, we’ll go to the heaven for our self-sacrifice!
Posted on March 24th, 2010
This nice college girl met a really handsome guy. He was a bit afraid of her and this was no in vain.
All she could think of is how tasty the little man was. In the end, she couldn’t resist and swallowed him with such pleasure.
Posted on March 23rd, 2010
Looks like someone is very hungry. Our giantess saw a bunch of tiny people and her mouth filled with saliva.
She couldn’t resist the temptation. Lots of people would die but what she can do about it? They are so mouthwatering!
Posted on March 22nd, 2010
This tiny man got in trouble because he stole a car. Now he would finally go to jail but fortunately, his saver came to him. She took pity on him and decided she would take him with her. How kind she was!
Posted on March 21st, 2010
The tiny girl was working in a shop after school. Unfortunately, her classmates decided to play her a trick. They locked her in the freezer.
How cruel they were. They wouldn’t let her out and left the shop. The poor tiny girl freezed.
This giantess was a customer of the shop. She went there to buy an ice-cream but didn’t notice it was not an ordinary one.

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!