Posted on October 16th, 2010
I doubt there is a single woman who wouldn’t like a peaceful evening at home – maybe drinking some wine, smoking a cigarette and just sitting comfortably.
This is one particularly is enjoying herself. She even found some toys to play with – little humans on the floor. Too bad they are so fragile. She could kill them in a second. But it’s good that there are so many of them.
Posted on October 15th, 2010
This giantess is a big fan of martial arts. She has trained almost everything, but her favorite is karate.
Now she decided to take the pressure off her shoulders and do some karate training at home. Unfortunately, she didn’t notice all the tiny people on the floor so eventually they got crushed.
Credit to Minit
Posted on October 14th, 2010
This guy killed the gorgeous butterfly. Now he has got to suffer. At first, the giantess thought of killing him, but then realized that this punishment wouldn’t be enough. It had to be more cruel! So she decided to keep him as prisoner in her cage forever…
Green Giantess Garden
Posted on October 13th, 2010
Giantesses like to be on their own, without anyone disturbing them.
This giantess has decided to take all the afternoon to have a rest. Unfortunately, some little people turned out to be near her coach. They were making those annoying sounds and the giantess couldn’t take it anymore.
She was tired of hearing them. She just wanted them to shut up. So the best way to make them quiet was to crush him. It was a blood bath!
Credit to Minit
Posted on October 12th, 2010
Little people can cause such a mess. And giantesses are well-known with their diligence. They don’t like things to be not in their places and seeing trash all over the floor.
This giantess will take things into action. It’s just that there are too many little people on the floor. Some should go… They should be ready for the vacuum cleaner.
Credit to Minit
Posted in Pictures
Tagged as: pencil drawing
Posted on October 11th, 2010
Tiny people are always amazed to see such a giant creature. It looks exactly like them with the exception of its size. On the one hand, a giant woman is far more attractive, but on the other hand, it is also really dangerous. You shouldn’t upset such a giantess because she can destroy not only you, but also the city you live in.
Sable the Giantess Video
Posted on October 10th, 2010
What a joy! This giantess has found a little city on her planet. Now she can be its goddess and do whatever she wants.
She does have fun as she can crush anything around her and no one can stop her. The good thing is that those building and cars are so fragile that they can be crush with only one finger.
This is what I call a discovery.
Credit to Hank88
Feryl in the city
Posted on October 9th, 2010
This tiny man is a real magnet for giantesses. They are just attracted to him and can’t get enough of him.
This may turn out to be quite dangerous as the two giantesses can get into a fight, but as long as they are in good terms, everything will be fine.
This tiny man is really lucky. No one on this planet would get so much love.
Credit to Justmyillusions
Tiny Casanova
Posted in Pictures
Tagged as: male pet, montage
Posted on October 8th, 2010
Some people are really sensitive. They take things too seriously and the result can be crucial.
This girl is obviously quite upset about her dad. He didn’t believe she could be a super hero. Well, she will prove him wrong.
Now she’s growing really fast so quite soon her father will realize that he was not right.
I just hope that the girl won’t be upset anymore. Otherwise, I think that something bad might happen to her father.
Posted on October 7th, 2010
This guy maybe wanted to have an extreme workout. This was a good choice ’till the moment he got too impertinent. The giantess couldn’t take this tickling anymore so she had to end it. I can definitely say that no matter how muscles he had, the tiny guy was pretty easy to crush.
Watch video: Giantess and feet

Let's face it. GTS isn't hugely popular. It's a small niche that not many people have figured out about. During my infancy years of becoming a fan of GTS, I was a little upset that I didn't see much outstanding artwork. I search long and hard, and could only find some.
Luckily, now a days - Giantess has become more popular and there is a lot more media out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find Giantess Club - a paid membership service which is the highest of quality, drawn by professionals.
However there is a new contender in town that could potentially rival the Giantess Club in terms of quality of the stories and illustrations. That website is Giantess Fan Comics. It is nice to see collaborations between known and unknown artists in order to create wonderful works of art for the giantess enthusiast. I especially liked The Island for its use of multiple giantesses and a sexy scene with Beatrix. Check it out!